cervical cancer screening in partly hpv vaccinated cohorts - a cost-effectiveness analysis.宫颈癌筛查在部分人乳头状瘤病毒疫苗接种人群——一个成本效益分.pdf
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Cervical Cancer Screening in Partly HPV
Vaccinated Cohorts – A Cost-Effectiveness
Steffie K. Naber*, Suzette M. Matthijsse, Kirsten Rozemeijer, Corine Penning, Inge M. C.
M. de Kok, Marjolein van Ballegooijen
Department of Public Health, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam, Rotterdam, the
* s.naber@erasmusmc.nl
Vaccination against the oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18 will reduce
the prevalence of these types, thereby also reducing cervical cancer risk in unvaccinated
women. This (measurable) herd effect will be limited at first, but is expected to increase over
time. At a certain herd immunity level, tailoring screening to vaccination status may no lon-
OPEN ACCESS ger be worth the additional effort. Moreover, uniform screening may be the only viable
Citation: Naber SK, Matthijsse SM, Rozemeijer K, option. We therefore investigated at what level of herd immunity it is cost-effective to also
Penning C, de Kok IMCM, van Ballegooijen M (2016) reduce screening intensity in unvaccinated women.
Cervical Cancer Screening in Partly HPV Vaccinated
Cohorts – A Cost-Effectivene
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