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PAGE w 摘 要 建材超市业态进入中国已经十多年了。十多年里,建材超市从疯狂扩张到兼并重组;从消费者体验新的消费环境到货比三家的消费心理的转变……一路走来,可谓风雨兼程。滏瑞特建材精品城作为邯郸地区建材超市的先行者,也经历了一路风风雨雨。加之金融危机的洗礼,建材超市也不得不开始了它自身不断完善的过程。作为新型的参与市场竞争业态,客户满意度日益受到滏瑞特建材超市的重视。“以客户为关注焦点”是竞争的必然选择。 本文结合国内外客户满意度测评理论,从企业信誉、商品质量、商品价格、购物环境等方面,对滏瑞特建材精品城的客户满意度现状进行了深入的调查。经过数据的分析整理,对滏瑞特建材超市的客户满意度有了一个全面的了解,并由此提出了相关的建议和措施,希望对滏瑞特建材超市乃至二三线城市建材超市的发展有一点启发和借鉴意义。 关键词:建材超市;客户满意度;客户满意度测评 Research on Customer Satisfaction of Furuite Building Materials Supermarket Abstract Building materials supermarket formats has been in China over a decade. In ten years, building materials supermarket has developed from expansion to mergers and acquisitions; from the consumer to experience a new environment to changes in consumer psychology ... ... The way can be described as trials and hardships. As a pioneer in building materials supermarkets of Handan, Furuite building materials supermarket also experienced the ups and downs all the way. Coupled with financial crisis, building materials supermarkets had to start its own process of continuous improvement. Participating in market competition as a new format, Furuite building materials supermarket value customer satisfaction day by day. “Customer focus” is the inevitable choice in competition. Combing domestic and international customer satisfaction measurement theory,I finished a in-depth customer satisfaction survey in reputation, quality of goods, commodity prices, shopping environment, etc. After analysis of the data, I have a comprehensive understanding of the customer satisfaction of Furuite building materials supermarket.I put forword a number of recommendations and measures, to inspire the development of the Furuite building materials supermarket and the building materials supermarkets in second and third tier cities. Keywords:Building Materials Supermarket;Customer Satisfaction Degree;Customer Satisfaction Measurement 目 录 TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc295548214 1 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc295548214 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _



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