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PAGE 精品 XXX学院 XXX学院 本科毕业论文 题 目: 题 目:JAVA实现文本编辑器 学生姓名: 学 院: 专 业: 班 级: 指导教师: 二〇一二 年 月 摘 要 当今,计算机以及网络技术的飞速发展,社会正快速向信息化社会前进,我们需要更智能,更专业的软件帮助我们完成工作,从而提高了工作效率。 目前文本编辑器种类很多,所提供的功能也很多,但是能满足用户实现多种功能和进行Java的编译与运行很少,不能更好的适应当前用户的要求。本设计所完成的文本编辑器功能是针对学习Java程序语言,因此我们利用Java程序设计虚拟机和软件对用户及使用者的应用过程形成一整套完整的编写代码,编译,运行。 本文本编辑器的开发主要包括界面窗口的菜单栏和工具栏以及树结构,还有链接Java虚拟机实现编译与运行。使用SUN公司的Java中的GUI作为开发技术,利用其提供的各种类与接口,首先建立系统应用原型。 本文本编辑器的开发采用JDK6.0和 Eclipse 9为开发工具,操作系统为Linux/Windows 2000/Windows XP等。 但是能满足用户实现多种功能和进行Java的编译与运行很少, 关键词:面向对象程序设计,GUI,文本编辑器,编译,运行 Abstract Now, computer and internet are experience a sharp development, the information automatic function is more and more powerful, and our society is stepping in the information age. So, more Intelligence and more specialized soft are needed to help us improve the efficiency in job. At present the text editor type are many, the function provided are also many too, But can satisfy the user for many kinds of functions and can use Java for the translation and debug are very few, so can not adapt current users request much better. This design completes the text editor function is aims at the Java beginner who study the Java program language, Therefore we use the Java programming hypothesized machine and software form an entire set of complete compilation code to the formation users application process, translation, debug. This text editors development mainly includes the contact of surface menu of the window and the tool fence as well as the tree structure, also links to the java hypothesized machine to the translation and debug. Use Java GUI API, and the classes of SUN Corporation to found the initial prototype system, then, carries on the demand iteration to the initial prototype system, unceasingly reversing and improvement, until forms the feasible system. This text editors development uses JDK6.0 and Eclipse9 as the development kit, operate system for Linux/ Windows 20



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