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PAGE 输电线路L4继电保护整定计算 电气信息工程学院 毕 业 设 计 输电线路L4继电保护整定计算 电气信息工程学院 摘 要 本次设计为110kV输电线路L4继电保护整定计算,并根据继电保护配置原理,对所选保护进行整定和灵敏度校验。本次设计首先对电网进行了短路电流计算,而后对该段线路选择以距离保护作为主保护,零序电流保护作为该线路的接地短路保护,并详细的阐述了距离保护和零序电流保护的原理、配置的基本原则及计算原则,最后进行整定计算与校验。 经过对设计题目的分析、探究,此次设计先进行短路点的短路电流计算,从而算出零序短路电流;而后确立了相间短路的距离保护和反应接地故障的零序电流三段式保护,并对它们进行整定计算和灵敏性校验,且对所选择的保护装置进行综合评价。 关键词 继电保护 ,整定计算,短路电流计算,距离保护,零序电流保护 ABSTRACT This design is to work out wholly for 110kv transmitted lines L4 Relay protection setting calculation. according to the principle of protection configuration, and do the setting and sensitivity calibration to protection for the selected. The design is first carried out on the grid short-circuit current calculation,and then I choose distance protection as main protection. Zero sequence current protection for this line earth-fault protection, and elaborate the principle of distance protection and Zero sequence current protection in detail, and the basic principle of Configuration and principle of working out and Calculation principle,at last I did the setting calculation and checked it . After the analysis and research for this design, at firsr I do the short-circuit current calculation of short circuit point for this design,and get the value of zero-sequence short-circuit current;and then established the distance protection of phase short circuit and zero sequence current three-step protection of reacted the ground fault,and next I do the setting calculation and sensitivity calibration for the design, and do the comprehensive evaluation for protector of selected . Key words Relay Protection,Setting Calculation,Short-circuit current Calculation,Distance protection,Zero sequence current protection 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc294195333 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc294195333 \h I HYPERLINK \l _Toc294195334 ABSTRACT PAGEREF _Toc294195334 \h II HYPERLINK \l _Toc294195335 1 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc294195335 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc294195336 1.1


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