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HC轧机主体设计 摘要:轧钢设备主要指完成由原料到成品整个轧钢工艺过程中所使用的机械设备。冷轧是生产冷轧板带钢材的主要成品工序,其生产的冷轧板带属于高附加值的钢材品种,是汽车、建筑、家电、食品等行业所必需的原材料。 本次课题中涉及的HC轧机主体设计,是对HC轧机的各个部分经过综合性的考量、各种方案比较后而进行设计的。目的是设计出可以改善板型的冷轧机。在本文中,首先介绍了轧钢及轧机的基本概念,接着分析了课题的目的及完成的目标,最后详细介绍了1450单架可逆式冷轧机的轧制力的计算过程、轧辊调整装置的选择及设计计算、压下螺丝螺母的设计计算和轧机机架的强度和变形计算等等。 关键字: 冷轧机;轧制力;轧辊调整装置;轧机机架。 The Main Part Design of HC Rolling Mill Abstract: Rolling equipment mainly refers to the completion of the raw materials to finished the whole rolling process used in machinery and equipment. The purpose of this process is to get required shape and specification of the steel. The cold-rolling is the major process of producing cold-rolled strip steels which are high value-added products and the necessary raw materials for automotive, construction, home appliances, food and some other industries. The main part design of Hitachi High Crown Control mill covered in this paper is devised though a comprehensive consideration and a comparison of various options. The purpose of this topic is to design a kind of cold rolling mill which can improve the shape of the cold-rolled strip steels. The paper, at first, introduced the basic concept of steel rolling and steel rolling mill. Then it analyzed the purpose and objective of the topic. Finally, in detail, it introduced the calculation process of rolling force of 1450 single-frame reversible cold rolling mill, the choice as well as the design and calculation of roller adjustment device, screw down and screw nut, the rack strength and deformation of the cold rolling mill and some other parts of the cold rolling mill. Key Words: cold rolling mill; rolling force; roller adjustment device; the rack 目录 1 绪论 HYPERLINK \l 轧钢的概念及其特点 1.1 轧钢的概念及其特点…………………………………………………………1 HYPERLINK \l 轧制技术的分类及其特点 1.2 轧制技术的分类及其特点……………………………………………………1 HYPERLINK \l 轧钢机械的概念 1.3 轧钢机械的概念………………………………………………………………1 HYPERLINK \l 轧钢机的分类 1.4轧钢机的分类…………………………………………………………………1 HYPERLINK \l HC轧机简介 1.5 HC轧机简介…………………………………………………………………4 HYPERLINK \l H



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