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河北理工大学轻工学院 COLLEGE OF LIGHT INDUSTRY, HEBEI POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY 毕业设计说明书 设计(论文)题目:179高炉卷扬上料控制系统软件设计 学生姓名: 学 号: 专业班级:0 机械1班 学 部:工程教育部 指导教师: 年06月10日 摘  要 PLC及其网络在工业自动化控制领域越来越受到重视和普及应用,它的应用提高了高炉上料系统的自动化水平和可靠性,实现了上料系统的实时监控和灵活方便的工艺配方。文章主要介绍某钢铁厂高炉上料系统采用PLC及其网络控制的软硬件设计方案和方法,介绍了高炉上料的工艺情况和可编程控制器(PLC)控制系统他的控制功能。 本次设计通过PLC程序化的控制仓闸门的开与关,运矿皮带的运行,变频器的调速,大小钟的开与关,完成料从料仓落到运矿皮带,经运矿皮带运往中间仓,再从中间仓落到料车里,由卷扬机拉动料车至炉顶,最后卸料至高炉的整个过程,实现了上料自动化。在系统出现故障时能够及时报警并自动断电抱闸。 关键词:PLC;高炉;上料系统;自动控制 Abstract There is a growing interest for the application of PLC and its networks in the filed of industrial automation .The automatic function and reliability of the feeding system in blast furnace are improved by the application .The real-time monitoring is realized and the technological composition can be easily made. The design scheme ,methods of the hardware and software of PLC and its network adopted for the feeding system of one blast furnace in a steelworks ,The Blast Furnace Technology and characteristics and programmable logical controller (PLC) control system control functions are introduced . The design process through PLC control of the warehouse gate opening and closing ,wan ore belt of operation ,the inverter speed ,size-minute opening and closing complete information from the silo fell on ore belt ,the belt ore shipped to intermediate positions, from the intermediate materials warehouse fell on the vehicle ,winch pull information from the car to top ,the last blast furnace discharge to the whole process feeding achieve the automation .The system failure to make timely alarm and automatic power-off. KeyWords:PLC ;blast furnace;feeding system ;automation 详细摘要 高炉上料是整个高炉冶炼生产的关键环节,担负着为炼铁高炉提供原料的功能,其将来自料仓的各种原料按一定的配料比送到高炉内进行冶炼,整个上料过程大部分是顺序逻辑控制,但没有反馈,不构成闭环过程控制,故而多采用可编程控制器(PLC)进行控制。主要作用是将炼铁所需的各种原料源源不断的送到高炉内,保证高炉炼铁的正常需要。 高炉自动上料应用非常普遍,长度是有限的,为把物料从槽下料仓搬运到炉顶上,采用料车升降机,以提高生产效率。经过生产实践表明,该设计思路正确,运行可靠,能达到实际生产应用的要求。中小型高炉上料主要是卷扬车上料,由于料车上料占地面积小,在中小高炉中得到广泛应用。 为了避免料车失控,产生飞车事故,设置了速度活着


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