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摘要 PAGE IV 超级电容信号灯设计 摘 要 随着LED灯产品技术不断更新与进步,LED节能灯将会取代传统光源,在照明行业中得到普及从而将引发照明行业的一场革命。这将给LED制造企业带来巨大的机遇与挑战LED灯产业最诱人的前景也许还不是目前看到的应用。目前国际上普遍的看法是光电子技术是21世纪的尖端科技。科学界预测,到2011年以光电子信息技术为主导的信息产业将形成5万亿美元的产业规模。 超级电容器是近年来出现的一种新型能源器件,与常规电容器不同,其容量可达法拉级甚至数千法拉。它兼有常规电容器功率密度大、充电电池比能量高的优点,可快速充放电而且寿命长,正在发展成为一种新型、高效、实用的能量储存装置因此有人认为它是介于充电电池和电容器之间的一种新型能源器件。 本文设计了一种使用超级电容和蓄电池作为系统电源的新型信号灯。是一种使用太阳能、蓄电池、超级电容器、DC/DC升压电路、单片机的设计方案该方案结合了太阳能是绿色能源及超级电容器具有充电快、寿命长、绿色环保的储能优点;采用了以集成芯片MAX1771为核心的DC/DC升压电路,采用STC12C5201AD单片机为核心的控制电路。 关键词:超级电容,信号灯,STC12C5201AD,MAX1771 Supercapacitance Lights Design ABSTRACT Along with LED lights continuously updated with the progress of product technology, LED energy-saving lamps will replace the traditional light source has been popularized in the lighting industry, which will lead to the lighting industry a revolution. This will bring huge LED manufacturer LED light industry opportunities and challenges of the most attractive prospects may not be present to see the application. The general view of the international photonics technology is cutting-edge technologies in the 21st century. The scientific community predicts that information technology in 2011 led to optoelectronic information industry will form a five trillion U.S. dollars of industrial scale. Super Capacitorin recent years the emergence of a new energy device, different from the conventional capacitor, the capacity can be Dafaala level or even thousands of Farah. It combines the power density of conventional capacitors, charge the advantages of high energy, fast charge and discharge and long life, is developing into a new, efficient and practical energy storage device, Ultracapacitors as energy storage devices can be realized in energy density and power density on the organic combination of increasingly demonstrated excellent energy storage advantage. This article describes a way to use solar energy, batteries, SuperCapacitors, DC / DC boost circuit, single chip design. The program combines solar energy is



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