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武汉工程大学邮电与信息工程学院 毕业设计(论文) SDH级联技术的研究与实现 Research and Implementation of the SDH Cascade 学生姓名     学 号    专业班级 通信工程 指导教师 2012年5月 摘要 随着Internet应用时代的到来,以及Intranet中采用了大量不同的数据协议和技术,并且他们都最终构架在了SDH/SONET网络之上,问题就出现了。一个原本适应静态流量的网络怎样去适应速率不完全匹配的动态业务。在处理日益增长的数据业务流量问题时,SDH网络的构架和带宽利用问题成了需要研究和改进的地方。 本论文第1章首先对SDH产生额技术背景和SDH在国内的发展现状做了分析,提出了SDH所面临的挑战,并且给出了SDH网络的发展趋势;第2章对基于SDH的多业务传输平台(MSTP)做了初步的介绍,提出了SDH级联技术在其中起到的重要作用。第3章集中分析了在SDH网络中的级联技术和级联方案,讨论了其存在的必要性;第4章针对虚级联技术在实际应用中所出现的不稳定的现象,提出了链路容量调整机制(LACS),实现了在不中断业务的前提下动态的改变传输通道的大小,真正意义上实现了通道的“弹性”变化;第5章介绍了LCAS在MSTP的实现方法;第6章对全文进行了总结。 关键词:同步数字传输系列;级联技术;虚级联;多业务传输平台;链路容量调整机制 Abstract With the era of Internet applications, as well as the use of Intranet in a large number of different data protocols and technologies, and they are in the final framework for SDH / SONET network on top of problems have emerged. An original network to adapt to the static flow rate is not how to adapt tomatch the dynamics of the business entirely. In dealing with the growing problem of data traffic, SDH network architecture and bandwidth utilization has become a need to study and improve. First of all, the first chapter of this thesis have the amount of SDH and SDH technology in the context of the development of the domestic status quo so the analysis of the challenges faced by SDH, and given the development trend of SDH network; chapter SDH-based transmission of multi-service Platform (MSTP) to do a preliminary introduction to the SDH technology in which the cascade played an important role. Chapter III focused on analyzing the SDH network in cascade technology, and the Cascade program, discussed the necessity of its existence, the two cascades of technology exchange between the methods; Chapter IV for virtual concatenation technology in the actual applications arising from the phenomenon of instability, a link capacity adjustment mechanism (LACS), achieved without interruption of business under the premise


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