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PAGE PAGE I 重庆科技学院 毕业设计(论文) 题 目 750初轧机受料转盘辊道设计 院 (系) 机械与动力工程学院 专业班级 机电设备维修与管理08-2 学生姓名 学号 2008630627 指导教师 职称 高级工程师 评阅教师 职称 2011年 6 月 6 日 重庆科技学院专科生毕业设计 摘要 摘要 在轧钢车间中,辊道是用来纵向运输轧件的,可把地面的各种机械设备按生产流程连接成生产流水作业线。因而辊道数量多、设备重量大、约占车间设备总重的20%~30%,有时更高。辊道的工作状况直接影响着轧钢生产。旋转台辊道的用途是旋转放在台上的钢锭,这样使它们以上面的小头对着轧钢机,以便它们能更好的被轧机扎入。旋转台辊道输送机主要由两个部件构成:台本身与转动台上的辊子机械,以及台的旋转机械。 本文对750初轧机受料转盘辊道进行设计,首先对其工作原理、用途进行了分析,从而确定其传动方案;并对传动机构、电机、减速器、轴、滚动轴承、联轴器和各处的键联接进行了详细的设计计算;最后对旋转台辊道输送机的附件进行了必要说明,包括立柱、托辊、螺栓、以及润滑方式等;本文同时对它的安装与维护的要求进行了介绍。 关键词:750初轧机 受料转盘辊道 旋转台 ABSTRACT In steel rolling workshop, roller is used for vertical transportation rolled piece, it can put the ground by all kinds of mechanical equipment manufacturing process connected into production water line. Thus roller quantities, equipment a big weight, accounted for about workshop equipment total weight by 20% ~ 30% and sometimes higher. The working conditions of roller directly influences steel-rolling production. The turntable is the purpose of the roller rotation on the stage, so that make them the ingot on the small head above rolling mill, that they can better be plunge into the mill. The turntable roller conveyor consists mainly of two components comprise: stage itself and rotation of the roll machinery, and on Taiwan rotating machinery. This paper is expected early 750 rotary roller mill design, first of its working principle, the purpose is analyzed, thus determine its transmission scheme;And the transmission mechanism, motor, reducer, shaft, rolling bearing, coupling and places a detailed the key link of design calculation;Finally on the turntable roller conveyor attachment through the necessary instructions, including pillar, roller, bolts, and lubrication


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