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基于虚拟仪器技术的骨外固定系统研究 摘 要 利用自制的带传感装置的骨外固定器,分析比较目前主要的几种虚拟仪器构建方案的特点,提出一套基于数据采集卡(DAQ)和图形化编程语言LabVIEW实时测量骨折愈合应力的虚拟仪器系统构建方案。该系统对骨折断面面积及时、有效测量计算是准确求出骨折断端愈合应力的基础。骨折愈合速度、质量与骨断端所受应力大小直接相关。骨折患者的体质、骨折部位、断面形状等个体差异很大,从避免盲目加载出发,实现骨折断面快速高质量愈合,测量并计算出骨折断端施加最佳愈合应力是本文研究的重点。 对骨折断面面积的分析表明,采用系数法能够简单、有效地对所求面积进行计算。计算出骨外表面和骨内腔围成面积的系数分别为0.782,0.808;利用该系数法计算出的面积与传统方格法实测面积的相对误差≤5%,为骨折断端愈合应力准确计算提供了前提。 基于数据采集卡(DAQ)和图形化编程语言LabVIEW实时测量骨折愈合应力的虚拟仪器系统的工作原理为:通过数据采集卡采集来自测力传感器的模拟信号,对信号进行适当处理后,通过PCI系统总线传递给计算机,由系统的软件部分对采集来的信号进行处理,然后显示输出。该系统把必威体育精装版的计算机软硬件技术和传统仪器结合起来,充分实现了虚拟仪器技术的主要功能。 本文程序均采用LabVIEW编制,界面友好,操作简单方便,能实时绘制骨折愈合应力曲线,为临床观察骨折愈合历程、愈合质量提供直观、准确的依据。 关键词:固定器,骨折愈合,应力,断面面积,LabVIEW Study on External Bone Fixer System Based on Virtual Instrument Technology ABSTRACT Making use of a self-made external bone fixer with sensor devices and analyzing some leading programs of virtual instruments established, a set of system of virtual instrument, which is used for measuring the real-time stress of fracture healing, based on DAQ and the graphic-processed programming language LabVIEW is introduced. Exact measurements of bone fracture stress are based on accurate calculation of bone fracture plane areas in time. Velocity and quality of fracture healing are directly related to stress of fracture plane applied. One patient’s corporeity, fracture position and section shape is greatly different, so calculation of the optimal stress applied on fracture planes is essential in this essay in order to avoid force incorrectly applied and enable fracture section heal effectively and quickly. The study on fracture areas reveals that it is simple and effective to apply coefficient means to calculate irregular areas. Area coefficients of external and internal bone surface are respectively 0.782 and 0.808. The area calculated by this coefficient means has an error dimension by less than 5% compared with real area measured by traditional crisis-cross one. The virtual instrument systems that can real-time measure fracture healing stress a



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