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w 延 边 大 学 本科毕业设计说明书 本科毕业设计说明书 本科毕业设计 ( 题 目:2ZB 题 目:2ZB—45型旱田制钵机 学生姓名: 学 院:工学院 专 业:机械系 班 级:机制班 指导教师: 副教授 摘 要 营养钵育苗栽培方法是一项增产效益十分明显的农业技术。目前在国内外已广泛用于烟草,玉米,蔬菜,瓜果,莲花等作物的栽培。吉林省延边技术研究所研制出的2ZB—45型旱田制钵机,1990年投入批量生产。多年的时间证明,采用机制钵育苗栽培方法培育出的作物有以下特点:苗壮,根系发达,抗病,抗旱能力强。并且用机制钵育出的作物农业效益好,单位产量成本低。此种制钵机价格低廉,操作简单,维修方便。笔者主要根据2ZB—45型旱田制钵机的工作原理,动力参数,独立地设计此机器。本文主要介绍设计过程,设计步骤,设计方法。利用本科阶段学习的相关知识,阐述了主要计算过程,对主要零件进行了强度和寿命的校核,最终得到该机器及其主要零部件的主要结构和尺寸,为进一步绘制装配图和零件图提供了基本数据。 关键词:制钵机;计算;校核;绘图 Abstract Furthermore seedling cultivation method is a production agricultural technique with high efficiency. At present, it has already been widely used for tobacco, corn, vegetables, fruit, lotus and other crops cultivation at home and abroad. Jilin yanbian technical institute developed 2ZB - 45 type (SFP),which has been made in batch production in 1990. Years of time shows crops that using mechanism port seedling cultivation methods has the following characteristics: healthy, root developed, have strong disease-resistant, drought resistance ability. And crop agriculture efficiency of a mortar yukon mechanism is good, the unit output has low cost. This system port machine is inexpensive, simple operation,and easy maintenance. The author independently design the machine mainly based on the working principle and virtual machine dynamic parameters of type of 2ZB - 45 (SFP). This paper mainly introduces the design process, design steps, design method. Using knowledge of undergraduate study stage, expounds the main processes of calculation; checking the strength and service life of main parts, finally obtained the main structure and size of machine and its main components, and provides basic data for further rendering drawings and parts graph. Keywords:System port machine; Calculation; Check; drawing 目 录 1设计任务……………………………………………………1 2设计方案和机构结构分析………………………………1 3原动机的选择………………………………………………3 4传动比的分配………………………………………………3 5主要部分的设计与计算…………………………………3 5.1槽轮机构


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