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摘 要
本文对MnFeNi1-xCuxO4的制备、结构、性能及应用作了研究。以电子天平称取一定量氧化物组成原料,利用玛瑙研钵手工研磨混合和制备粉体。通过两次预烧并加以研磨后以塑性成型方法成型,再以高温固相法制备MnFeNi1-xCuxO4。用Y2000 Automated x-ray Diffractometer system对样品的相结构进行分析;用自设简易的方式测量样品的强度;用TJ501型超级恒温器和Agilent 34401A 61/2 Digit Mnlitmeter 测量样品及其经过管式气氛炉SG0-4-12老化后的的温阻特性。结果表明,所掺杂的CuO与MnFeNiO4形成了固溶体;已制备好的NTC热敏电阻电阻率和绝对温度的倒数之间的关系为线性关系,显示了所制备材料的负温度系数特性;随着CuO掺量的增加,样品的B值逐渐增加,硬度增加,强度有所减弱,且老化后各样品的B值增大,对温度变化的敏感性增强。但是变化不大;在热敏常数B为定值时,NTC的电阻率随着CuO含量的增加而增加。
MnFeNi1-xCuxO4 尖晶石结构 负温度系数热敏(NTC)电阻 塑性成型 B值
In this article,the preparation、 structure、 properties and application MnFeNi1-xCuxO4 have been studied. The electronic scales is used to weigh a certain amount of oxides of raw materials .The agate mortar is used to mix and prepare powder by hand-grinding. Through two grinding burn and being molded of plastic molding method, high temperature solid MnFeNi1-xCuxO4 were prepared . With Y2000 Automated x-ray Diffractometer system analyzing the phase structure of samples; with own easy way measuring the strength of the samples, then the TJ501 super thermostat and Agilent 34401A 61 / 2 Digit Mnlitmeter are used to measure the sample resistance characteristics . The tube type atmosphere furnace SG0-4-12 is used to age temperature. The results showed that the doping of the CuO formed a solid solution MnFeNiO4. The reciprocal relationship thermistor resistance and absolute temperature was linear relationship showed the prepared material a negative temperature coefficient. With the CuO content increased, the value of the sample B and the hardness increased,but strength had been weakened. After aging the samples B-value increases and sensitivity to temperature enhanced. But its a little change;When the thermal constant B was constants , NTC resistivity the increased with CuO content.
MnFeNi1-xCuxO4 Npinel structure Negative temperature coefficient thermistor (NTC)resistance Plastic working B-value
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