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PAGE 黑龙江工程学院本科生毕业论文 PAGE II 本科学生毕业论文 GPS三维坐标成果转换方法研究 系部名称: 测绘工程 专业班级: BW05-24班 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职 称: 副教授 黑 龙 江 工 程 学 院 摘 要 GPS是一项高新科学技术,它的应用非常广泛,能服务于军事、地球科学、交通部门、测绘、信息部门和航天科学技术。GPS是以空中卫星为基础的无线电导航系统,能全天候、全方位连续快速实时地提供高精度的三维距离,三维的速度值,及高精确度的时间信息。用户只要有GPS信息接收机就可以进行空间定位来为本专业服务。 首先,本文从地球几何形状及数学描述等基础理论出发,对整个坐标系进行分类,介绍了GPS数据所采用的世界大地坐标系WGS-84和我国常用的坐标系—北京54坐标系、西安80坐标系、地方独立坐标系。通过对国内外坐标转换模型成果的理论分析,提出了解决坐标转换的问题,总结了转换参数的求解方法。其次,研究如何将GPS测量数据进行满足精度要求的坐标转换,如何合理地确定转换模型和转换参数,进一步对转换数据的不同、转换方法的不同、转换点个数不同对精度影响以及处理方法进行了系统的研究,成功的解决了土木工程,测绘行业领域中,GPS测量数据坐标转换的难题。在一定程度上推动了GPS技术在我国工程领域中的应用和发展。 关键词:全球定位系统,坐标转换,转换参数,坐标系统。 Abstract GPS is a high-tech science and technology, it is widely used to serving the military, earth sciences, transportation departments, mapping, information and space science and technology sector. GPS is a satellite-based air radio navigation system capable of all-weather, all-round for the rapid delivery of high-precision real-time three-dimensional distance, the rate of three-dimensional value, and high-accuracy time information. Users of information as long as there is GPS receiver will be able to carry out space-based positioning for professional services. First of all, this article from the Earths geometry and mathematical description of the basis of theory, the entire coordinate system of classification, introduced the GPS data used in the land of the world coordinate system and WGS-84 coordinate system commonly used in China - Beijing 54 coordinate system, Xi’an 80 coordinate system, local coordinate system independent. Coordinate transformation at home and abroad through the results of theoretical analysis model is proposed to solve the problem of coordinate transformation, summed up the solution of transformation parameters. Secondly, to study how the GPS measurement data to meet the accuracy requirements of the coordinates of the conversion, how to determi


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