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毕 业 设 计(论 文) PA县给水工程初步设计 专业年级 给水排水工程 学 号 姓 名 指导教师 评 阅 人 2012年6月 中国 南京 摘要 本设计为PA县给水工程初步设计,设计规模为12万m3/d,分两期建设,近期处理水量为60000m3/d,远期处理水量为120000m3/d。设计中采用通榆河作为水源地,水源为地表水,水质状况良好,属于三类水。 本设计主要包括三大部分: (1)给水管网设计。根据用户对水质的要求和经济技术的角度选出最佳方案。本设计采用环状网,总长8385m,造价亿元,埋深0.7m。 (2)净水厂设计。选择各净水构筑物的型号,设计各构筑物的具体参数,使整套净水流程最优。本次设计流程为混凝,沉淀,过滤,消毒。工艺分两组建设,占地公顷,总投资为万元。 (3)估算整个工程的造价,并确定制水成本。 同时,本设计课题还包括:水厂占地面积,人员配备,厂内建筑物布置和管线定位等。 根据水源水质情况,经过方案比选,确定采用常规处理工艺进行处理, 即: 混凝 混凝 沉淀 过滤 消毒 原水 机械絮凝池平流沉淀池 机械絮凝池 平流沉淀池 普通快滤池 消毒 原水 静态混合器 混凝剂 氯气 关键词:给水工程; 输配水工程; 净水构筑物。 Abstract This design is made by Water-Supply Project of PA TOWN, Jiangsu Province. In this design, the daily volume of water processing is 60,000 m3/d, and long-term volume is 120,000 m3/d. The design employs the upstream of TONGYU river as its water resource,and the water used is from the surface where the quality is relatively good which belongs to grade three. The content of this design is mainly divided into three parts:The first part is the design of water-supply pipe net, in which the designers select the best option by the users’ requirements to the water quality and the economic technology.The second one is the design of the water-purification plant. Select the specification and then give the specific parameters of each water-purification equipment,make sure of a optimal set of water- purification processes.The last one is to estimate the expense of the whole project and determine the cost of water-processing. At the same time, other kinds of construction of water purification plant is also designed, such as the total area, staff distribution, the position of the structures, the pipelines in the plant, etc. Water quality in accordance with water, after the election than to determine the water plant using conventional water purification process: Coagulation——sedimentation——filtration——disinfection The purification process is designed as followi



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