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l 摘要 国内使用的颚式破碎机类型很多,复摆颚式破碎基结构简单,制造容易、工作可靠、使用维修方便,所以常见的还是传统的复摆颚式破碎机。本毕业设计主要是为满足生产需求出料口尺寸:20~60mm;进料块最大尺寸:210mm;产量:15~50吨而研究的。根据以上要求我设计了复摆颚式破碎机(PE250X1000)。设计分析了 颚式破碎机的发展现状和研究颚式破碎机的意义及复摆颚式破碎机机构尺寸对破碎性能的影响,计算确定了PE250X1000的设计参数。设计内容主要包括了复摆颚式破碎机的动颚、偏心轴、皮带轮、地基、动颚齿板、机架等一些重要部件;另外对颚式破碎机的工作原理及特点和主要部件作了介绍,包括保险装置、调整装 置、机架结构、润滑装置等;同时对机器参数(主轴转速、生产能力、破碎力、功率等)作了计算以及对偏心轴作了设计。此外也简单介绍了破碎的意义、破碎工艺 和破碎比的计算,颚式破碎机的主要部件的安装等。 关键词:复摆颚式破碎机 传动 磨损 Abstract Domestic use of jaw crusher type many yankees pendulum jaw type broken, simple structure, easy and reliable work made, convenient operation and maintenance, so common or traditional pendulum jaw crusher. The graduation design is mainly to meet production needs discharging mouth size: 20- 60mm; Incoming block 200mm; maximum size: Production: 15-50tons and research. According to above asked me to design a pendulum jaw crusher (PE250X1000). Design analysis the jaw crusher development present situation and research the significance and the jaw crusher pendulum jaw crusher institutions influence on the performance of the dimensions of the broken, calculate and determine the PE250X1000 design parameters. Design content mainly includes the complex place jaw crusher dynamic jaw, eccentric shaft, pulley, foundation and dynamic jaw gear plate and frame and some other important components; In addition, jaw crusher work principle,characteristics and main parts is introduced, including insurance device, adjust outfit buy and frame structure, lubrication device, etc. Also on the machine parameters (spindle production capacity,crushing strength,power, etc) to partiality axis calculation, and the design. In addition also simply introduced the significance of broken,broken the calculation process and crushing ratio, a major part of the jaw crusher of installation, etc. Keywords: pendulum jaw crusher transmission wear l 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc295157494 前 言 PAGEREF _Toc295157494 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc295157495 1颚式破碎简介 PAGEREF _Toc2


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