《150QJ20B4多级离心水泵的设计》 (1)》-毕业论文.doc

《150QJ20B4多级离心水泵的设计》 (1)》-毕业论文.doc

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PAGE V 150QJ20B4多级离心水泵的设计 学 院 机电工程学院 专 业 机械设计制造及其自动化 班 级 学 号 姓 名 指导教师 负责教师 沈阳航空航天大学 2012年6月 摘要 泵是应用非常广泛的通用机械,凡有液体流动之处,几乎都有泵在工作。据统计我国各种泵的耗电量占全国总耗电量的百分之二十点九。正是因为多级离心泵结构简单、尺寸小、低能耗、操作简单且性能稳定众多优点,使得它在各领域的应用非常广范。QJ型多级深井泵是电机与水泵直联一体潜入水中工作的提水机具,深井泵适用于从深井提取地下水、也可用于河流、水库、水渠等提水工程:主要用于农田灌溉及高原山区的人畜用水,亦可供城市、工厂、铁路、矿山、工地供排水使用。 本文是对于多级离心泵的主要尺寸进行设计计算,及相关零件用CAD进行二维结构图的绘画,并用UG进行三维建模,最后画出总装配图。并进行相关零件的校核。 根据已给定的泵的参数,对泵的效率进行分析计算。然后对离心泵的叶轮进行了入口直径、出口宽度、叶轮外径、叶片数计算并进行二维和三维的设计,最后对导叶的基圆直径、出口直径、扩散角及叶片数进行计算并进行二维和三维设计。本设计采用数度系数法进行水力设计。使之达到理想的效果,具有良好的性能。 关键词:多级离心泵,CAD,叶轮,导叶,速度系数法 Abstract Pump is widely used general purpose machinery, where the liquid flow at the pump is almost always at work.It is because the multistage centrifugal pump simple structure, small size, low power consumption, simple operation and stable performance, and many other advantages, makes it very widely in various fields.QJ type deep well pump is a water pumping equipment, deep well pump, motor and pump directly connected to one dive work applicable to the extraction of groundwater from a deep well can also be used in rivers, reservoirs, canals and other water pumping projects: mainly used for irrigation and plateau mountain people and livestock water, also for the cities, factories, railways, mines, construction sites, water supply and drainage. This is the design calculations, the main dimensions of the multistage centrifugal pumps and related parts using CAD 2D structure diagram of the painting, and three-dimensional modeling using UG, and finally draw the general assembly drawing. And the relevant parts of the check. According to the parameters of a given pump, the pump efficiency is analyzed and calculated.And researchers calculate the diameter of inlet, the width of outlet, the external diameter of impeller, and the number of blade, and make two-dimensional and three-dimensional design. Finally, the base diameter of the guide vanes, outlet diameter, spread angle and leaves the number



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