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Definition:A circulating nurse is a registered nurse who works in the operating room environment. The circulating nurse does not scrub in, and performs job duties that cannot be done by staff that is scrubbed in. The circulating nurse is responsible for charting what is happening in the operating room, tracking supplies and equipment used, and may also act as an advocate for the patient, who is unable to act on their own behalf while under anesthesia. The nurse may have additional responsibilities including keeping the operating room clean, managing other staff, preparing the patient for the procedure and helping escort the patient to recovery. Operating Room Preparation Anesthesia As the main coordinator in the OR, the circulating nurses assists the anesthesiologist by correctly positioning the patient to receive anesthesia. The position depends on the procedure that will be performed. If spinal anesthesia is required, for example, the patient is positioned in a quasi-fetal position. After the anesthesia is administered, the circulating nurse follows the anesthesiologists instructions for repositioning the patient and places his arms in arm boards and restraints to prevent him from inadvertently injuring himself. To prepare for the operation, she exposes the patients skin and, if necessary catheterizes him. Surgery End of Surgery 怎样才能成为一名优秀的巡回护士? 首先,做一个谨守南丁格尔誓言的护士; 其次,做一个忠实履行职责的巡回护士; 再次,做一个具有一定应急能力的巡回护士; 主动 积极 怎样做一个称职的巡回护士 一、巡回护士的定义 巡回护士(Circulating Nurse)是指被指派到固定手术间内、在无菌区以外,不直接参与手术操作、和器械护士、主刀医生及其助手、麻醉医生共同完成手术任务的护士。 What is a Circulating Nurse? 二、巡回护士的主要任务 /G2S/Template/View.aspx?wmz=26760courseType=0courseId=10975topMenuId=111029menuType=4contentId=26760action=viewtype=name=menuid=000004026 What Are the Responsibilities of Circulating Nurses? 三、巡回护士工作的争议 四、巡回护士应如何配合麻醉医生的工作 Circulating Nurse Duties 整形外科医院住院手术室承担着医院各科室的手术,为保证每位患者手术安全顺利的完成,手术室护士担当着重要的职责.作为一名手术室护士除了要具备丰富的专业知识和娴熟的专业技术外,还要有应对各种突发问题的能力,最重要的是有高度的责任心和奉献精神.以下对手术室巡回护士的具体职责作了一下总结: 五、巡回护士的职责 (一)术前访视 1.术前访视


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