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PAGE XXIX 高吸水树脂堵漏剂的合成及性能研究 摘 要 在我国能源日趋紧张的情况下,石油能源的合理开发利用已引起人们的极大重视,因此,提高采油率已成为石油开采研究的重大课题。而好的堵漏剂对提高石油采收率有着重要的作用。 高吸水树脂作为堵漏材料的一份子,在现今社会中有着不可替代的作用。 论文通过吸收和借鉴国内外生产高吸水树脂的先进工艺,以丙烯酸(AA)、淀粉等为原料,复合钠基蒙脱土,利用水溶液聚合法,合成制备一种复合型高吸水树脂油田堵漏剂,并在此基础上探索影响吸水树脂吸水性能的因素。最佳吸水性能的工艺条件为:70℃条件下调单体中和度至70%、N,N’-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺0.065g、过硫酸钾为0.044g,蒙脱土3g。所得产品:吸水倍率251.3g/g、吸盐倍率69.2g/g。最佳吸盐水配方条件为:60℃条件下调单体中和度至75%、N,N’-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺0.075g、过硫酸钾为0.049g、蒙脱土3g;所得产品:吸水倍率238.2g/g、吸盐倍率81.5g/g。样品吸水后为无色透明块状胶体,烘干粉碎后为淡黄色颗粒。 关键词:高吸水树脂 堵漏 复合 纳基蒙脱土 ABSTRACT In Chinas energy increasingly tense situation, the reasonable exploitation and utilization of petroleum energy has great importance to improve production rate, therefore, has become the major oil exploitation research topic. But good to improve oil recovery plugging agent has an important role. Super Adsorbent Polymer as plugging materials, in todays society play an irreplaceable role. Through the absorption and referring to the production SuperAdsorbentPolymer with advanced technology, acrylic acid (AA), Starch as raw materials, composite sodium base montmorillonite, using aqueous solution polymerization, And on this basis to explore influence factors of water injectivity resin. The best technological conditions of adsorptive properties for 70℃ condition and degree to 70 percent cut monomer, N, N - and methyl double acrylamide 0.065 g, conversion for 0.044 g, montmorillonite 3g. Products: water 251.3 g/g, salt 69.2 g/g magnification. The best conditions for salt-water absorbency formula: 60℃ condition to cut monomer neutralization degree, N, N 75% of methylene - double acrylamide 0.96ka g, conversion for 0.049 g, montmorillonite 3g, Products: water 238.2 g/g, salt and 81.5 g/g magnification. After the water samples is colorless transparent gel, massive yellowish after drying. Keywords: SuperAdsorbentPolymer;plugging;composite;Leonard base montmorillonite 目 录 中文 HYPERLINK \l _Toc169274674 摘要 Ⅰ HYPERLINK \l _Toc169274674 英文摘要 Ⅱ TOC \o 1-3 \h \z HYPERLINK \l _Toc169274674



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