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精品 精品 精品 提 要 目的:探讨治疗四肢长管骨骨折不愈合的手术改进方法和疗效。方法 本研究病例 来自山东中医药大学附属医院骨科病房,选取2009年5月至2010年12月间四肢长管骨骨折不愈合患者20例,均采用手术治疗,取自体髂骨植骨,行钢丝环扎多方位植骨配合LCP重新内固定,男14例,女6例。其中肱骨干不愈合5例,股骨干8例,胫骨干7例。结果: 20例均获得随访, 随访时间3~12 个月, 按照骨愈合和功能恢复双重评价自拟诊断标准,治疗骨不连骨愈合率100%,优良率95%,功能恢复优良率96.5%,骨折平均愈合时间4~6个月,X线片显示植骨融合良好, 无高度及复位丢失,功能恢复较好。结论:钢丝环扎多方位植骨配合LCP(加压锁定钢板)重新内固定是治疗四肢长管骨骨折不愈合的一种有效方法,疗效确切。 关键词  多方位植骨 ;四肢长管骨不愈合 ;骨不连 ;治疗 Wire rings with bone graft plunge all-sides limbs internal fixation for LCP long tube bone fracture healing Speciality: Orthopaedics of TCM Author: Li Ning Tutor: Prof.Wang Abstract Objective:Explore therapy limbs long bone fracture nonunion of surgery improvement methods and results. Methods:This study cases from shandong university of traditional Chinese medicine hospital orthopedic ward, the selection of 2009 May to December 2010 between limbs long bone fracture nonunion patients 20 cases, all use surgical treatment, to autogenous iliac grafts, line wire loop pierced comprehensive bone graft fixation with LCP afresh, male, female 14 cases in 6 cases. One humerus backbone nonunion in 5 cases, femur in 6 cases, tibial dry 9 cases.Results:20 cases were followed up time get 3 ~ 12 months, according to the bone healing and functional recovery double evaluation diagnostic criteria, treatment since fitting bone is not even bone healing rate 100%, dykes 95%, functional recovery 96.5%, fracture dykes average healing time 4 ~ 6 months, X-ray showed good, no bone graft fusion altitude and reset lost, function recovered well.Conclusion:Wire rings with bone graft plunge all-sides pressurized locking plate (LCP) and internal fixation is the treatment of bone fractures limbs long tube dont heal, an effective method of definite effect. Key words Many-side grafts Limbs long tube bone healing Bone is not even Treatment 目 录 TOC \o 1-1 \h \z \t 标题 2,1,标题 3,1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc289874656 引 言 PAGEREF _Toc289874656 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc289874657 资料与方


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