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PAGE 精品 江 西 理 工 大 学 南 昌 校 区 毕 业 设 计(论文) 题 目:汽车音响系统防干扰措施的研究 系 :机电工程系 专 业:汽车检测与维修技术 班 级:09汽车 学 生:X X 学 号指导教师:X X 职称: 摘 要 音响成为现代轿车档次衡量的标准之一, 但随着人们视听感受的提高,汽车音响的品质已成为大众选购汽车的一个重要影响因素。然而,汽车音响也容易受到各种电信号的干扰。它除受到来自自然界和汽车以外的干扰外, 还受到汽车本身及周围汽车部件产生的电干扰。 本文首先阐述了汽车音响系统的发展史,汽车音响的组成和工作原理以及汽车音响需要注意的几点技术要求。然后通过对汽车音响系统的检测,分析了汽车音响系统产生杂音的原因和解决方法,同时还具体分析了汽车音响系统其它一些常见故障。重点探究了汽车音响系统受到自然界和汽车内部电信号干扰的来源,从而得出汽车音响系统几种主要的抗干扰措施。 关键词:汽车; 音响;工作原理;技术要求; 干扰来源;抗干扰措施 ABSTRACT Sound become a modern car grade standard of audio-visual experience, but as people rise, car audio quality has become a popular car purchase is an important influence factor. However, car audio is also susceptible to a variety of signal interference. It is from the nature and the cars outside interference from outside, but also by the car itself and the surrounding car parts produced by electrical interference. This paper first describes the history of the development of car audio systems, car audio of the working principle and composition, car audio technology points to be paid attention and car audio output and maintenance. Then based on the detection of car audio systems, car audio system noise analysis of the causes and solutions, but also analyzes some common faults for car audio systems. Focus on automotive audio system by nature, and interior automotive electrical signal interference sources, resulting in several major car audio system anti interference measures. Key words: automobile; audio; working principle; interference source; anti interference measures; technical requirements of 目 录 汽车音响的发展史………………………………1 汽车音响的组成和原理…………………………3 2.1 汽车音响的组成……………………………………………3 2.2 汽车音响的原理……………………………………………3 第三章 汽车音响的技术要求……………………………6 3.1汽车音响技术需要注意的四点……………………………6 3.2技术指标引导………………………………………………7 第四章 汽车音响的干扰来源……………………………8 4.1汽车内部电干扰的产生与来源……………………………8 第五章 汽车音响系统抗干扰措施 ………………………9 5.1汽车音响系统电路中排除干扰的一般方法………………9 5.2抗干扰的具体措施…………………………………………9 第六章 总结 ……………………………………………14 致谢 ……………………………………


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