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精品 河 南 科 技 大 学 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 笼养替代方式对蛋鸡行为的影响 姓 名 院 (系)动物科技学院 专 业 动物科学 指导教师 笼养替代方式对蛋鸡行为的影响 摘 要 为提高蛋鸡福利水平,采用笼养替代方式饲养蛋鸡,本试验在于探讨笼养替代方式对蛋鸡行为的影响。试验采用单因子试验设计,选择42只鸡随机分为两组,1组为对照组,采用传统笼养;2组为试验组,采用笼养替代方式即散养,对两种饲养条件下的蛋鸡的维持行为与异常行为进行观察、分析。结果表明:笼养替代方式对蛋鸡的趴卧、行走、伸腿 、异常行为均产生了显著影响。笼养替代饲养方式下蛋鸡行走时间显著大于笼养的(P0.01),笼养蛋鸡采食频次显著降低(P0.01),时间延长,但差异不显著(P0.05)。梳羽的时间占总时间的比例也有所降低(P0.05)。散养蛋鸡的趴窝持续时间和频次,均明显高于笼养蛋鸡,差异显著(P 0.05),试验组蛋鸡舒展行为、异常行为的平均持续时间和频次与对照组蛋鸡相比,均差异显著(P 0.05)。因此,笼养替代方式使蛋鸡的行走、趴窝时间显著增多,舒展行为的总时间明显增多,异常行为的频次显著下降、持续时间缩短,行为变得更加丰富,对蛋鸡的行为产生了重要的影响。 关键词: 笼养替代方式,散养,笼养,蛋鸡,行为 为提高蛋鸡福利水平,采用笼养替代方式 EFFECTS OF THE SUBSTITUTI ON MANNERS OF CAGE REARING ON BEHAVIOR OF LAYER CHICKEN ABSTRACT This study was focuses on effects of the substitution on manners of cage rearing on behavior of layer chicken. This experiment was designed with single factor and take forty chicken as two groups, with each group has twenty chickens. The first group was control group, to conduct the traditional cage culture of layer chicken. The second group was matched group, to conduct the substitution on manners of cage rearing such as free-ranging. We observed the sustain behavior and abnormal behavior of layer chicken in the two groups. The results showed that the substitution on manners of cage rearing have played an important role in the behaviors such as laying, walking, stretching legs, abnormal behavior. In the condition of substitution of cage rearing, the time of walking increasing significantly (P0.01), and in free-ranging conditions, chickens moving freely, but in the condition cage rearing, they are pressed by other chickens to moving, also the time was shorter. In free-ranging conditions, the frequency of eating decreased significantly (P0.01), the time lasting longer (P0.05). The time used for preen behavior in total times have decreased (P0.05). If chicken was raised in free-ranging conditions, time and frequency of laying behavior were significantly higher than the chickens raised in cages(P 0.05),


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