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PAGE PAGE 第 PAGE 3 页 共 1 6页 浅谈珐琅彩瓷器艺术在服装设计中的运用 摘 要 ?珐琅彩盛于雍正、乾隆时,属宫廷垄断的工艺珍品。所需白瓷胎由景德镇御窑厂特制,解运至京后,在清宫造办处彩绘、彩烧。所需图式由造办处如意馆拟稿,经皇帝钦定,由宫廷画家依样画到瓷器上。珐琅彩瓷创烧于康熙晚期,雍正、乾隆时盛行。珐琅彩瓷器可以说秉承了历史上中国陶瓷发展以来的各种优点,从拉胚、成型、画工、用料、施釉、色彩、烧制的技术上几乎是最精湛的。在乾隆时期出现了很多极其优秀的陶瓷作品,但珐琅彩在制作程序和用料上是其他众多品种无法比拟的。画工也不是一般的窑工,而是皇宫里面顶尖的专业画师,所以这些器物可以代表当时最高的艺术水平,最高的工艺水准。珐琅彩瓷的绘画是其精华所在。珐琅彩瓷的胎、彩和造型终究逃不过同时期其他彩瓷的影子,而绘画却有他独特酌一面。珐琅彩的绘画大多出自宫廷御用纸绢画的画稿。康熙时候的珐琅彩绘大都仿照铜胎画珐琅时的色彩图案。内容多为缠枝牡丹、缠枝西蕃莲、缠枝秋葵,也有写生花卉。构图上是讲究对称的规矩图案,花大叶大,内容简单。雍正时绘画题材多为寓意深刻的芙蓉鸳鸯、灵芝水仙、锦鸡牡丹、梅兰竹菊、翠竹麻雀、秋树八哥等,更有各种山水楼阁画面。 关键词: 白瓷胎 珐琅 宫廷 色彩 绘画 造型 Application of Colored Enamel Porcelain Art in Fashion Design ABSTRACT Colored enamel porcelain served as a kind of treasurable palace monopoly handicraft in Yongzheng and Qianlong period of Qing Dynasty. The demanded made-to-measure white porcelain bodies, provided by the Royal Porcelain Factory in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province, were to be color-painted and color-burned in the Palace Built Office after been delivered to Beijing. And the required patterns were drafted by staff in the Ruyiguan under the Palace Built Office and painted by the court painters on the porcelain according to those drafted patterns chose by the emperor. Colored enamel porcelain originated in late Kangxi period and became popular in Yongzheng and Qianlong period. It is fairly to say that colored enamel porcelain art has inherited all the advantages in the development history of Chinese ceramics. Thus it has the most exquisite technology in almost every process such as embryos-pulling, molding, painting, material, glazing, color, and firing. There are a lot of excellent ceramic works during Qianlong period, yet few can be compared with the colored enamel porcelain in terms of manufacturing process and materials used. The painter is not general workers from a porcelain factory, but the top professional artists in the emperor palace. Therefore, all the utensils were of the highest artistic level and technical standards. The essen


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