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* * * 让我们一起看看GLP-1受体激动剂具有哪些生理作用: 首先,作为一个降糖药物,它能作用于胰腺的β细胞,可以葡萄糖浓度依赖性地诱导胰岛素分泌,提高β细胞敏感性,促进胰岛素的合成。动物试验还发现GLP-1可以增加β细胞 的量。它还可作用于α细胞,抑制胰高糖素的分泌。因此,它能够有效降低血糖且不增加低血糖发生。 此外,它还能作用于大脑,可以增加饱腹感,从而减少能量摄入,还可以改善认知与记忆功能。它还可作用于肝脏、胃肠道和心脏,从而减少肝糖输出,减弱胃肠运动,延缓胃排空,保护与改善心脏功能。 正是由于以上多重作用,GLP-1受体激动剂提供了一个全面治疗2型糖尿病的新途径。 * 每天机体血糖浓度维持在一个相对狭窄的范围内。肾脏在血糖管理中的作用往往被忽视。然而,如图所示,肾脏有助于机体的血糖管理1 西方饮食平均提供 180 g/天葡萄糖,其余的葡萄糖输入来自肝脏和肾脏的糖异生及肝脏的糖原分解。每日消耗等量的葡萄糖,大脑消耗大于50%(125 g/天)。因为因为大脑是无法储存或产生葡萄糖,大脑功能尤其依赖于有足够的血糖水平。1,2 一个健康的肾脏每天滤过和重吸收的葡萄糖大约180g;肾脏每天通过糖异生产生 15-55g葡萄糖,代谢25-35g葡萄糖。1 Gerich, 2010, p136, c2, ?2, p137, c1, ?1-2, c2, ?2, p139, c1, ?2 Wright, 2007, p32, c1, ?1 Gerich JE. Role of the kidney in normal glucose homeostasis and in the hyperglycaemia of diabetes mellitus: therapeutic implications. Diabet Med. 2010;27:136-142. Wright EM, Hirayama, BA, Loo DF. Active sugar transport in health and disease. J Intern Med. 2007;261:32-43. Gerich, 2010, p136, c1, ?1, c2, ?2, p137, c1, ?1-2, p139, c1, ?2 Wright, 2007, p32, c1, ?1 * *SGLT2是肾脏最主要的葡萄糖转运体,负责90%肾脏葡萄糖的重吸收,它是一种高效低亲和力的葡萄糖转运体,分布于近曲小管的近曲部(S1)。其余的10%葡萄糖由SGLT1 重吸收,SGLT1除了分布在近曲小管的S3段,还大量分布于肠道。 his diagram takes a closer look at how the sodium-glucose cotransporter (SGLT)-2, facilitative glucose transporter (GLUT) 2, SGLT-1, and GLUT1 transporters operate in the nephron.1,2 In normal glucose-tolerant subjects, virtually all filtered glucose is reabsorbed back into the bloodstream in the proximal tubule, and no glucose is excreted in the urine unless the threshold for reabsorption is exceeded Approximately 90% of the renal glucose reabsorption takes place in the convoluted segment (S1) of the proximal tubule where the high-capacity, low-affinity SGLT-2 transporter, and GLUT2, are located The remaining 10% is reabsorbed in the distal straight segment (S3) of the proximal tubule where the high-affinity, low-capacity SGLT-1 transporter, and GLUT1, are located Abdul-Ghani MA, DeFronzo RA. Inhibition of renal glucose reabsorption: a novel strategy for achieving glu


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