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压缩机是制冷系统的心脏,它通过吸气管吸入低温低压的制冷剂气体,通过电 机运转带动活塞对其进行压缩后,通过排气管排出高温高压的制冷剂气体,为制 冷循环提供动力,从而实现压缩一冷凝一膨胀一蒸发(吸热)的制冷循环。压 缩机一般由壳体、电动机、缸体、活塞、控制设备(启动器和热保护器)及冷 却系统组成。启动器基本上有两种,即重锤式和nc式,其中后者较为先进。 冷却方式有油冷和自然冷却两种。本文研宂的是滚动转子式压缩机。滚动转子式 压缩机属于回转式压缩机,目前广泛应用于冰箱、空调及小型商用制冷装置中。 在滚动转子式压缩机内,各零部件之间的间隙很小,润滑油充斥其间,起到润滑 和密封的作用。它具有结构简单,零部件少,振动小,效率高,便于大量生产和 加工及装配精度高等特点。目前,家用空调3马力以下大部分都使用滚动转子式 压缩机,3马力以上使用涡旋压缩机。汽车空调大部分用滚动转子式压缩机。大 型空调主要用半封闭活塞式压缩机。近年来,在电冰箱中使用的小型滚动转子式 压缩机越来越多,而在空调器中有完全取代往复式压缩机的趋势。 本文分为五大章节,分别对制冷压缩机综述,滚动转子压缩机文献综述,滚 动转子压缩机的设计计算,主要零部件设计和压缩机其它部件的设计进行了详细 的介绍。其中在第三章滚动转子压缩机的设计计算中对滚动转子压缩机的热力计 算,动力计算,结构设计说明和平衡块的计算做了详细的说明,解释了 YZ-21 型滚动转子式压缩机的工作原理和工作过程。 关键词:滚动转子小型制冷压缩机 Abstract Compressor is the heart of cooling system. The suction of low-temperature and low-pressure refrigerant gas is compressed by the electrical-powered pistons, and transforms to high-temperature and high-pressure refrigerant gas. This refrigerant gas then exhausts through the exhaust pipe,providing the impetus for the refrigeration cycle, thus achieving the compression —? condensation — expansion —? evaporation (endothermic) refrigeration cycle. In a net shell,the compressor consists of shell, motor,block,piston, control equipment (starting-equipment and thermal protection) and cooling system. There are two basic kinds of starting-equipment,i.e. the heavy hammer and PTC,and the latter is more advanced. There are two ways to cool, which are oil cooling and natural cooling. The research in this paper mainly focuses on the rolling rotor compressor. The rolling rotor compressor is one kind of scroll compressor rotor rotary compressor,which is now widely used in refrigerators,air conditioning systems and small refrigeration equipments in business. In the rolling rotor compressor,the gap between the parts is very small,and is ftill of lubricant. It plays the role of lubrication and sealing. It has its advantages: simple structure,few parts, little vibration, high efficiency, easy mass production and precision assembly. At present, most of


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