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我国国内的大多数物业管理企业业务内容单一,创新能力低,员 工管理较粗放,市场应变能力不强,竞争力弱等问题。物业管理行业 表面上说是管理行业,但工作内容更多的是提供服务,员工的日常工 作行为和服务态度直接关系到客户的直观感受和评价。据调查表明, 我国物业从业人员普遍存在薪酬低、工作强度大,流动性强等不因素, 由此而易导致员工工作效率下降、队伍士气低落、服务质景差等问题, 进而影响业主对物业管理公司的评价。物业管理企业在面临着转型升 级的同时如何处理好员工关系,提高员工的工作效率和工作积极性以 及对企业的忠诚度,降低离职率己经成为物业管理企业提升企业业绩 和物业服务水平的重要途径。本文以万科物业公司为例,分析万科物 业公司员工关系管理的现状,并且分析其存在的问题,最终针对性的 提出完善万科物业公司员工关系管理的对策建议。
Because of the development of market economy and talent competition, employee relationship management as a specific area of human resources management gradually attracts more and more business^ attention .Employee relationship management mainly adopts a flexible manage method, through the effective ways of encouragement and communication to establish a positive and harmonious employee relations for the development of enterprises and the improvement of employee satisfaction, so that enterprises and employees would achieve common progress. Based on the original research results this paper further summarizes the theory. First, it analyses the research background and significance and the improvement of employee satisfaction, so that enterprises and employees would achieve common progress. Based on the original research results this paper further summarizes the theory. First, it analyses the research
background and significance and the research situation of internal and external and the definition of the concept and the main contents. Next it bases on understanding the concept of employee relationship management theory discusses the present situation and developments issues in China and how to improve the employee relationship management. Last, it has a theoretical summary and the prospect of development.
Key words:employee relationship management, encourage and communicate, employee satisfactionenterpriseculture
TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 会者论 5
(一) 课题背景及目的 5
(二) 国内外研究状况 5
国外研宄现状 5
国内研究分析 6
(三) 课题研究方法 7
(四) 论文构成及研究内容 7
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