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题 目 小厨娘青龙山庄酒店的服务营销策略研究 商学 院(系)市场营销 专业 学生姓名 学号 指导教师 职称 讲师 指导老师工作单位 三江学院 起讫日期 2011年12月一2012年6月 俗话说“K以食为天”,现如今随着国家经济的发展,人民生活水平的提高,消费观念的 变化和生活节奏的加快,广大消费者在外就餐的次数越来越多,人们在外用餐的花费在消费 性支出中所占的比重己经越来越大,餐饮业在人们的消费生活中的地位越来越重要。服务营 销作为一种新的市场营销策略为餐饮行业所运用,而其本质是针对客户开展的-?系列活动, 赢得消费■者的心。 本文在阐述服务营销策略理论的基础上,对小厨娘青龙山庄酒店的服务营销策略进行了 分析,总结其成功经验,指出其不足之处并提出改进建议,以促进其服务营销策略的不断改 进和完善。 在餐饮业这个这个特殊行业中,企业应以满足顾客的需要为目标,立足长远,不断提高 服务营销能力,充分运用服务营销服务于顾客,这样才能臝得顾客的心。在激烈的市场竞争 中,餐饮企业只有通过不断的创新和与时倶进,从实际出发,借鉴别人的经验教训,再和自 己的实际问题相联系,采用适当的服务营销策略,一定可以在传统餐饮业发展的道路上走得 更远更好。 关键词:青龙山庄,服务营销,策略 Abstract As the saying goes” Hunger breeds discontentment for people”. But, as our national economy development, people’s living standard have been to improvement. People have to change the consumption concept and to accelerate the pace of life. The vast number of consumers eating out more often and people outside the home spend on consumption expenditure proportion has been increasing. Food and beverage industry in the consumption of people living in an increasingly important position. Service marketing as the restaurant industry to a new marketing strategy. Its essence is for customers to carry out a series of activities. Occupy the hearts of consumers. Based on elaborating service marketing strategy and based on the theory of combining the situation of qinglongshanzhuang hotel, the service marketing strategy are analyzed in detail, summarizes its successful experience, Point out its shortcomings and put forward to improve a proposal, in order to promote its service marketing tactics of continuous improvement and perfection. In the restaurant industry this special industry, enterprises should meet the needs of customers as the goal,based on long-term,continuously improve service marketing ability, make full use of the service marketing in customer service, so as to win customer’s heart. In the fierce competition in the market,catering enterprises only through constant innovation and advancing with the times, from set out actually,


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