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模具是近代工业产品大量生产所依赖的一项重要工业与技术。模具 制造的精密程度和技术层次,对于生产产品的品质,生产原料的有效利 用,以及生产力的提高等方面,均有绝对性的影响。模具业为一切工业 之母,而模具业又以塑料模为主。与我们生活息息相关的家电产品,电 信产品及汽车零件中,大部分皆为塑料制品。科技文明的进步,人类生 活水平不断提高在工业社会里各产品推陈出新。为达到此目的,必须以 模具大量生产,以达到尺寸稳定,经济实用的目的 A1-模具装 配图DWGLA3-型;SA4-逞纹型 环A3-^51? A4-齿蛇轴 A1-模具装 配图 DWGL A3-型;S A4-逞纹型 环 A3-^51? A4-齿蛇轴 A4-拉料杆 A4-支架 图纸汇总 封面 设计说明书 据要目录 ?31页 全套图纸,加153893706 该设计的设计题目是盖塞注塑模具设计,由于该塑件的结构特点和 本质特性,造成了它的生产类型,该塑件的生产为大批量生产、PS (聚 苯乙烯)塑料的成型性能特点以及盖塞的结构的特点,设计成盖塞注塑 模具较为合理。由于盖塞为日常通用零件,对其精度要求并不是很高。 但由于其特殊的结构原因,在成型的时候需要成型外部螺纹,使模 具结构变得相对复杂,从而增加了装配时的难度。为成型螺纹,模具结 构上需要采用螺纹抽芯机构,为便于螺纹型芯的抽出,模具采用齿轮t 条抽芯机构,即可采用普通卧式注塑机,由于塑件对精度要求不高,成 型零件加工也相对容易 本模具采用一模两腔,但总体上该模具机构相对简单,制造容易, 生产周期不是很长,从而节约了企业公司单位的加工成本,大大的缩短 了模具制造周期 关键词:外部螺纹;螺纹抽芯;齿轮齿条机构 Abstract Mold is a product of modem industrial mass production depends is an important industrial and technology. Mold manufacturing and technical level of sophistication, for production of quality products, efficient use of raw materials, as well as increased productivity,etc.,have absolute influence. Mold industry is the mother of all industries, while the plastic mold industry again dominated. With our lives, home appliances, telecommunication products and automobile parts, most are all plastic products. Technological advances of civilization, human beings living standards continue to improve in the industrial society of each product innovation. For this purpose, the mold must be produced in large quantities in order to achieve dimensional stability,economical and practical purposes. This design titled The closure injection mold design, due to the essential characteristics of the plastic lid stopper member, the stopper lid plastic parts production batch, PS (polystyrene) plastic molding performance characteristics and the structural characteristics of the cover plug, designed to cover the plug injection mold is more reasonable. And the cover plug for the common parts, its precision is not very high and other conditions. Also due to the structural characteristics o


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