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Abstract Anime-comic industry refers to the industry with creative as the core, presents as the animation, comics as the forms, it contains the development, production , publishing, broadcasting, performance and sales of the direct products of animation and comics which include comic and illustration books, newspapers and magazines,films,telivision, audio and video products, stage plays and new varieties of cartoon based on the means of modern information communication technologies and so on, and as well as the production and management of anime-comic associated clothing, toys, video games and other derivative products. As the most potential sunrise industry in the new century, the anime-comic industry is rising powerfully and promptly, and it is even expected to become the leading role in national economic development. Scientists believe that the anime-comic industry is the core of the knowledge economy industries on the 21st century , it plays a determinant role in today’s economic development. But nowadays China’s anime-comic industry is still in the early stage of development, in the development process of the anime-comic industry there is still all kinds of faults. This paper describes in detail the problems in the development of China’s anime-comic industry. By drawing on developing experience of anime-comic industry in several developed countries, and giving a summary of the deficiencies and shortcomings in our development process, this paper proposes several measures on developing Chinese anime-comic industry. Key Words: Animation, Marketing Strategy, Countermeasures 引言 随着全球信息基础设施不断完善,人们对娱乐方面的需求越来越多。从20世纪中后 期开始,全球各主耍发达国家开始由生产型主导社会向消费娱乐型主导社会过渡,包括动 漫游戏在内的数字娱乐及文化创新产业FI益拥有了广阔的发展空间,并开始在伞球经济舞 台上扮演重要角色。据有关专家计算,2005年全球动漫产业的总产值约为5000亿美元, 是仅次于1T产业的又一个新的经济增长点。英国数字娱乐产业年产值占GDP的7. 9%,成 为该国第一大产业。美国网络游戏业产值己连续四年超过好莱坞电影业,成为全美最大的 娱乐产业。闩本游戏市场年产值达2刀亿日元,成为闩本的第二大支柱产业。作为后起之 秀的韩国动漫业,己成为韩国经济的六大支柱产业之一。而我国2005年动漫总收入仅100 亿元人民币,其中相当一部分还是外商支付的加工费,仅为全球数字内容产业产值的19%。 这种严重的滞后现象,制约了我国动漫产业的全面发展


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