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PAGE 摘 要 泵站工程作为国民经济建设中的一部分,已在机电灌排、跨流域调水、城乡供水、电厂供水及输油系统等工程得到了广泛的应用。为促进工业生产的发展和人民生活水平的提高发挥了重要作用,而离心泵由于其扬程较高,流量范围广,在实际中更是获得了广泛的应用。 本设计所设计的为一取水泵站(有隔墩的进水池),其作用是排灌供水,将低处的水输送到高处,供灌溉和饮用,从而实现能量从机械能到势能的转化。本论文为某供水泵站的初步设计,主要根据泵站设计规范对水泵、泵房、进出水池、管路系统及其他配套设施进行了初步的设计,列出了离心泵站设计的一般设计方法及步骤。其中对水泵的选型、水泵的安装高程、泵房的设计和水锤等给出了详细的设计说明及计算步骤,并附有各部分结构示意图和泵站剖面图。从设计结果上来看本设计技术上可行,满足《泵站设计规范》的要求。 关键词:水泵选型 水锤 工作点 安装高程 ABSTRACT Pumping station as part of the national economic construction has been widely used in irrigation and drainage in mechanical and electrical, water transfer, urban and rural water supply and oil systems. It plays an important role in promoting the development of industrial production and the improvement of living standards,and the centrifugal pump have gained wide application in practice for its higher head and bigger flow range. This design is designed for a water pumping station (with isolated pier into the pool ) , whose role is to drainage and irrigation water supply, will lower the water delivered to the height , for irrigation and drinking , in order to achieve the conversion of energy from mechanical energy to potential energy .This paper preliminary design for a water supply pump station, I basically according to pump station design specification of pump, pump room, in and out pool, pipeline system and other auxiliary facilities for a preliminary design, lists the centrifugal pump station design general design methods and steps. Among them on the pump selection, pump installation elevation, the design and water hammer pump are the details of the design specifications and calculation steps, attached parts structure schematic diagram and pumping stations section. Judging from the design results this design technically feasible, satisfy the requirements of “ Pumping station design of the standards”. Key words: Pump Selection water hammer pump operating point elevation for pump install 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 前言 HYPERLINK \l _Toc326222347 1 1 绪论 HYPERLI



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