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中国地质大学长城学院 题目中国古代独山玉的幵采及工艺特点研究 系 别地球科学与资源 专 业宝石及材料工艺学 学生姓名 王智强 学 号 指导教师 刘斯明 职 称 助教 中国古代独山玉的开采及工艺特点研究 众所周知,独山玉是我国古代四大名玉之一,仅在南阳独山产出,以玉质温润、色彩 丰富著称于世。有着7000多年的悠久历史。独山玉石矿区位于河南省南阳市北东方向约 8km的独山。独山主要由蚀变辉长岩体组成,并称之为“独山岩体”。岩体在地表出露为 不规则的椭圆形,长约2.6km,宽0.6至lkm。出露面釈约2km2。从独山岩体内?采出来 的玉石被称为“独山玉”。独山玉颜色鲜艳、结构细腻、质地坚硬、致密而光泽好、具一 定的透明度。其工艺品色彩瑰丽、雕刻得形象逼真、潇洒自然,玲珑剔透,在国内外享有 盛誉,曾被称之为“南阳翡翠”。我国是世界上最早应用玉石的国家之一,历史悠久,渊 源流长,使用玉石原材料十分广泛,加工工艺技术精湛,玉器品种繁多。独山玉古代的开 采和制作工艺为传承、弘扬中华玉文化发挥了重要作用,她为中华玉文化的萌芽提供物质 基础,为史前中原文化交流提供信息载体,为中华玉文化的发展提供动力支持;她以独处 中原的便利位置和和田玉、岫岩玉及其它地方玉种一起,共同促成了中华玉文化的繁荣, 在中华玉文化发展史上有着举足轻重的地位。 关键词:独山玉;历史;开发利用;意义 ABSTRACT As is known to all,dushan jade in ancient China is one of the four who jade nanyang dushan only in output,the jade jade,color is rich with known to the world. With more than 7000 years history. Dushan jade mining area is located in the city of henan province nanyang north east direction about 8 km of dushan. Dushan mainly by the altered fai long of rock mass, and call it dushan rock Rock mass of the exposed at the surface for irregular oval,about 2.6 km long, wide and 0.6 to 1 km. The exposed area of about 2 km2. From rock hill in the jade mining out called dushan jade’’. Dushan jade bright color and fine texture,quality of a material is solid, dense and gloss,a certain degree of transparency. Its handicraft color beauty, and wrought image lifelike,natural and unrestrained natural,exquisitely carved in reputation both at home and abroad, has been called the nanyang jade”. Our country is the first one of the countries used jade, has a long history,keep origin, the use of jade raw material is very extensive,processing technology exquisite, jade article wide variety. Dushan jade ancient mining and production process in order to inherit and carry forward the Chinese jade culture played an important role she for the Chinese jade culture provides the sprout of material basis for prehistoric culture in the central plain exchange information carrier,for the Chinese jade cult


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