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PART I “Gencon” Charter (As Revised 1922,1976 and 1994) 1. Shipbroker 船舶经纪人 2. Place and date 签约日期和地点 3. Owners/Place of business (Cl. 1) 船东/营业地(第一条) 4. Charterers/Place of business (Cl. 1) 租船人/营业地(第一条) 5. Vessels name (Cl. 1) 船名(第一条) 6. GT/NT (Cl. 1) 总吨/净吨(第一条) 7. DWT all told on summer load line in metric tons (abt.) (Cl. 1) 按夏季载重线确定的全部载重公吨数(大约)(第 1 条) 8. Present position (Cl. 1) 船舶动态(第一条) 9. Expected ready to load (abt.) (Cl. 1) 预计作好装货准备的日期(大约)(第 1 条) 10. Loading port or place (Cl. 1) 装货港或者装货地点(第一条) 11. Discharging port or place (Cl. 1) 卸货港或者卸货地点(第一条) 12. Cargo (also state quantity and margin in Owners option, if agreed; if full and complete cargo not agreed state part cargo) (Cl. 1) 货物(同时载明数量和约定的所有人可选择的范围,如未约定满舱满载货 物,载明“部分货物”)(第 1 条) 13. Freight rate (also state whether freight prepaid or payable on delivery) (Cl. 4) 运费率(同时载明运费预付还是到付)(第 4 条) 14. Freight payment (state currency and method of payment; also beneficiary and bank account) (Cl. 4) 运费的支付(载明货币名称与支付方式,以及受益人和银行帐号)(第 4 条) 15. State if vessels cargo handling gear shall not be used (Cl. 5) 载明是否不使用船上的货物装卸设备(第 5 条) 16. Laytime (if separate laytime for load. and disch. is agreed, fill in a) and b). If total laytime for load. and disch., fill in c) only) (Cl. 6) 装卸时间(如约定装货和卸货的各自的时间,填入 a) 和 b);如按装货和卸货的合计时间,仅填入c)) (第 6 条) a) Laytime for loading 装货时间 b) Laytime for discharging卸货时间 c) Total laytime for loading and discharging 装货和卸货的合计时间 17. Shippers/Place of business (Cl. 6) 托运人/营业地点 18. Agents (loading) (Cl. 6) 装港代理(第六条) 19. Agents (discharging) (Cl. 6) 卸港代理(第六条) 20. Demurrage[dim?rid?] rate and manner payable (loading and discharging) (Cl. 7) [dim?rid?] 滞期费率及支付方式(装货和卸货)(第 7 条) 21. Cancelling date (Cl. 9) 解约日(第九条) 22. General Average to be adjusted at (Cl. 12) 共同海损理算(第 12 条) 23. Freight Tax (state if for the Owners account) (Cl. 13 (c)) 运费税(载明是否由所有人支付)(第 13 条 c 款) 24. Brokerage commission and to whom payable (Cl. 15) 经纪人佣金及向何人支付(第 15 条) 25. Law and Arbitration[,ɑ:bitrei??n] (state 19 (a), 19 (b) or 19 (c) of Cl. 1


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