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南开大学滨海学院 毕业论文 设计) 中文题目:中国物流地产的问题研宄 外文题目:Studies of the Chinese logistics real estate 学 号:姓 名: 刘芳 年 级: 08级 专 业: 物流管理 曰 期: 中国物流地产的问题研究 物流业的发展,是社会发展的必然结果,物流地产业作为物流业的派生正获 得越来越多投资者的关注。所谓的“物流地产”,就是投资商根据顾客的需求, 选择合适的地点,建成相关物流设施后,再转租给客户,比如制造商、零售商和 物流公司等。然后,将有一个专业的资产管理队伍对该物流设施进行物业管理, 提供物业相关服务。虽然近年来,物流地产在我国得到了快速发展,但在物流地 产发展的如火如荼的同时,出现了违规圈地、盲目开发、恶性竞争等现象。面对 物流园地产营困难的现状,对物流地产运营模式的研宄就尤为重耍。 本文力图在介绍物流地产概念的基础上,对国内物流地产的四种运营模式的 优缺点进行了详细的对比分析,总结了目前我W物流地产运营中存在的问题,提 出了一些我国物流地产发展模式上的建议及设想。 关键词:物流地产运营模式物流 Studies of the Chinese logistics real estate Abstract The development of the logistics industry is the inevitable result of social development,logistics and real estate industry as a derivative of the logistics industry is gaining more and more attention from investors. The so-called ’’logistics real estate investors,according to customer needs, choose the right place,after completion of the related logistics facilities, sub-leased to customers,such as manufacturers, retailers and logistics companies. Then,there will be a professional asset management team of the logistics facilities, property management, property-related services. In recent years, logistics real estate in China has been rapid development in logistics real estate development in full swing at the same time,there have been irregularities enclosure, blind development,and vicious competition. Faced with the difficult situation of the logistics park real estate operators,logistics real estate operating mode is particularly important. This paper tries to introduce logistics real estate concept on the basis of a detailed comparative analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the four operating mode of the domestic logistics real estate,summed up the problems of logistics real estate operations, some of Chinas logistics real estate development model on the suggestions and ideas. Keywords: Logistics real estate,Mode of operation, Logistics TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 才茼 S 1 Abstract 2 一>弓I言 5 (一) 选题背景和意义 5 (二) 研究思路 5 HYPERLIN



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