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毕业论文 论文题目: 上海大众汽车点火系统故障诊断与流程分析 学院 专 班 姓指导 定稿日期:5 称: 学院 专 班 姓 指导 定稿日期: 业: 级: 名: 学号 教师: 职称 201 年 月 日 中文 现代汽车电子控制技术是汽车技术和电子技术的相结合,是现代工业发展与 高新技术发展的产物,汽车电子化程度的高低从某种程度上反映了汽车水平的高 低。点火系统是汽车汽油发动机重要的组成部分,对发动机的性能有着决定性的 影响。随着汽车工业的不断发展,汽车电子化程度不断提高,汽车的点火系统已 由传统的蓄电池点火系统发展到国内外广泛采用的电子点火系统,电子点火系统 又称为半导体点火系统或晶体管点火系统,越来越多的汽车厂家将电子技术应用 到丫汽车上,特别是在点火系统上,各个厂家都不断推出各自的电子点火应用系 统,与传统的白金触点点火系统相比,电子点火系寿命长,性能高,稳定性好。 目前,电子技术的应用已经深入到汽车的所有系统,使汽车的技术性能、经济性 和舒适性都有了很大提高,而电子点火系统的应用能更好的提高汽车的动力性、 燃油经济性、降低废气排放。本文介绍了现代电子点火系统的发展历程、优点、 分类、构造、工作原理,系统分析了电子点火系统的常见故障,并结合实际分析 了典型故障产生的原因,并给出了具体的故障排除方法。 关键词:电子点火系统故障诊断点火控制微机控制 Abtract The modern automobile electronic control technology is the combination of automotive technology and electronic technology,is a product of the development of modern industry and high technology, automotive electronics level reflects the level of the car to a certain extent. The ignition system is an important component of automobile gasoline engine has a decisive effect on the performance of the engine. With the development of automobile industry,increasing degree of automotive electronics,automotive ignition system has been the traditional battery ignition system to the development of the domestic and foreign electronic ignition system is widely used in the electronic ignition system, also known as semiconductor ignition system or transistor ignition system,more and more cars The application of electronic technology manufacturers in cars,especially in the ignition system,the various manufacturers are constantly introducing electronic ignition application system respectively, compared with the traditional platinum contact ignition system of electronic ignition system, long service life,high performance and good stability. At present, the application of electronic technology has penetrated into all system of automobile the performance of the car,technology,economy and comfort has been greatly improved,and the power of electronic ignition system can be better used to improve vehicle f


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