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目:一种停电后可人工操作的电动栏杆的设 计的设计 学 院: 机电工程学院 专 业:_机械设计制造及其自动化 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 2016年4月14日 木次设计的题目是一种停电后可人工操作的电动栏杆的设计,该电动栏杆它只 有结构新颖、技术含量高、刚性和稳定性好、自动化程度高、造型美观、节能等特点。 本机为左侧式,该产品为左侧型,使用温度为A级,栏杆长度为3m,升起时间为2S, 无故障起落次数不小于1500000次,并且能够在停电的情况下可以手动升降,该产品 是机、电一体化产品的典型代表。 以往的停车场使用的电动栏杆的主要方法都是依靠人工的方式,工作效率低下, 与此同时,各方面也得不到保证,而本课题所设计的一种停电后可人工操作的电动栏 杆,能够实现栏杆的自动升降,在某种程度上进一步实现了科技现代化,降低了劳动 成本,特别与发达国家的电动栏杆相比,还是有一定的差距,因此本次一种停电后可 人工操作的电动栏杆的设计具有重要意义。 关键1司:一种停电后可人工操作的电动栏杆,左侧型,升降,意义 A3-传麵 A3-顶板 A3-手蛇II A3-传麵 A3-顶板 A3-手蛇 II H ■ H I I DWG DWG SW三维图 AO-电动栏 AO-装配图 杆 A3?竖板 A3-转动轴设计说明书 轮 图纸集合 全套图纸,加153893706 ABSTRACT The topic of this design is the design of cotton packing machine. It has the characteristics of novel structure,high technology content, good rigidity and stability, high degree of automation, beautiful appearance, energy saving and so on. The machine is on top,so cotton without pollution,the V belt transmission through the transmission gear to drive the ball screw rod to rotate,the lifting of the ball screw so as to drive the pressing cotton plate movements, so as to carry out cotton compressed, packaged,the machine is mechanical,electrical integration products typical and representative. Traditional cotton packing method is by means of artificial, work efficiency is low. At the same time,packing quality also can not be guaranteed,but this topic design of cotton balers,cotton can be achieved automatic packaging, in artificial package based on greatly provided high production efficiency, reduce the labor cost,especially with the developed countries of the cotton packing equipment,or have a certain gap,so the cotton packing machine design has important significance. Key words: Cotton packing machine, transmission, efficiency,design 目录 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 氣要 I HYPERLINK \l bookmark2 \o Current Document \h ABSTRACT 11 弓IB 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark5 \o Current Document \h 1.1研究的目的和意义 1 HYPERLINK \l bookmark6 \o Current Document \h 1.2研究的内容 2 HYPERLINK \l bookmark7 \o Current Document \h —



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