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六、保险(Insurance)条款 保险条款是外贸销售合同必不可少的条款,保险条款应该约定由谁办理保险并承担保险费用、保险金额是多少、投保险别、依照那个保险条款投保。合同中常见的保险条款规定方法如下: 1. 采用FOB、CFR、FCA、CPT时: To be covered/effected by buyer(由买方办理)。 2. 采用CIF、CIP时: To be covered by seller for 110% of invoice value against All Risk and War Risk as per the relevant Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of the People’s Insurance Company of China dated 01/01/1981. 由卖方按发票金额的110%投保一切险和战争险,以中国人民保险公司1980年1月1日颁布的有关的海洋货物保险条款为准。 注意事项: (1)投保金额按照惯例一般为发票金额的110%,也可以大于110%如120%,如果大于110%,超出部分的保险费应由进口商支付。 (2)投保险别可选择:①一切险(All Risk)+ 特殊附加险,②水渍险(WPA)+一般附加险+特殊附加险,③平安险+一般附加险+特殊附加险; (3)保险条款宜选择中国保险条款(CIC/China Insurance Clauses)即中国人民保险公司1980年1月1日颁布的海洋货物保险条款。 七、支付条款(Terms of Payment) 合同中支付条款比较复杂,不同的支付方式,支付条款的规定不同。常见的支付条款如下: 1. 常见电汇支付条款(By T/T): (1)买方不迟于____年___月___日前将100%的货款用即期汇票/电汇送抵卖方。 The buyers shall pay 100% of the sales proceeds through sight (demand) draft/by T/T remittance to the sellers not later than _______. (2)装船30天前电汇支付合同金额的30%。 30% of contract value is to be paid by T/T 30 days before shipment。 (3)签订合同后十天内电汇支付合同金额的30%。 30% of contract value is to be paid by T/T within 10 days after the conclusion of the sales contract。 (4)在2011年9月20日前电汇支付合同金额的50%。 50% of contract value is to be paid by T/T on or before September 20,2011. (5)装船后10天内电汇支付合同金额的70%。 70% of contract value is to be paid within 10 days after shipment. (6)签订合同后10天内电汇支付合同金额的30%,余下的70%于收到卖方提单传真件时电汇支付,全套正本提单于全部货款付清后寄交买方。 30% of contract value must be paid by T/T within 10 days after signing the sales contract and 70% by T/T upon receipt of the faxed B/L from the seller, full set of original B/Ls to be forwarded directly to the buyer only after all payments having been made. 2. 常见信用证支付条款(By L/C): (1)买方须于______年___月___日前通过___银行开出以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的______期信用证,并注明在装运日期后______天内在中国议付有效,信用证须注明合同编号。 The buyers shall issue an irrevocable L/C at _____ sight through ____ in favour of the sellers prior to ____indicating that L/C shall be valid for negotiation in china within ______ day after shipment date, the L/C must mention t


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