上海牛津高一英语上U5 Think before you eat-Language(精品·公开课件).pptVIP

上海牛津高一英语上U5 Think before you eat-Language(精品·公开课件).ppt

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Unit Five Think before you eat Language Points 1.听起来很好 2.在电视上 3.被某人影响 4.一个关于…的节目 5.生病 6.代替… 7.失去对…的胃口 8.因为 Find out the English phrases in the passage. sound very good on TV be influenced by sb. a programme on get sick instead of … lose one’s appetite for because of Important Phrases 1.For lunch, I think I’ll have the mixed grill — steak, pork chops, chicken and sausages. 1) mixed adj. 由不同质量或成分组成的; 混合的 2) mixture n. 混合; 混合状态, 混合之物 The city is _______________old and new buildings. 这城市是新旧建筑物的混合体。 a mixture of 一盒混合糖果 他们在男女混合双打比赛中赢了。 a box of mixed sweets They won in the mixed doubles. 3) mix v. 混合 mix A with/and B 使一物与另一物混合; 拌和; 搀和 翻译:我们不能将水和油混合在一起。 We can not mix water with oil. 2.Sound Link-verb 听起来似乎;听着好像 她的语气里有一点担心。 听上去他好像试图要说些什么。 She sounded a bit worried. It sounded as if he were trying to say something. a. 结实、健康、完好无损、正确的、合理的 The foundation of the house are not very sound. We all believe the decision made was a sound one. A sound body is a proper support of one’s work. The baby is in sound sleep. 他们俩在很多方面相互影响。 我受到妈妈的影响想要成为一名律师。 n. have an influence on (upon) 对…产生影响 under the influence of 在...影响下 一般来说,父母对孩子的影响很大。 adj. Influential 有影响力的 an influential politician 3. influence v. They two influence each other in many ways. I was influenced by my mum to become a lawyer. Generally, parents have a great influence on their children. 4.Crowd vt.挤满;将…塞进 挤满餐厅﹑ 剧院﹑ 海滨等. crowd in/into… 涌入 购物中心开业的那天,人们蜂拥而至。 vi.聚集在…周围;在…聚拢 孩子们聚集在电视机周围。 The children crowded around the TV. crowd a restaurant, theatre, beach, etc People crowded into the shopping mall on its opening day. n.人群;群众;一群 A huge crowd gathered in a square outside the Kremlin walls. 一大群人聚集在克里姆林宫墙外的广场上。 crowds/a crowd (of) 许许多多人 There were large crowds of people in the streets on New Year’s Eve. 除夕夜街上人潮涌动。 adj. crowded 拥挤的 a crowded city/bus/train be crowded with … (被某事物)占满的 5. Instead adv.代替,顶替;反而;反倒 通常放在句末,或者以逗号隔开放在句中或句首。 Nowadays many


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