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万方数据 万方数据 中文摘要 大型设备制造是制造业中的关键组成部分,是支撑国民经济持续发展的重要 力量, 主要生产大型及专业设备, 由于订单量的限制,其运营模式主要以单件或小 批量为主。随着大型设备市场竞争越来越激烈,以及国家产业升级对于各行各业 的影响不断深化,传统的运营管理模式由于其固有的高耗能、高浪费及低效率等 缺点,已经不适应大型设备制造企业的生存和发展所需。同时,由于大型或专用 设备本身的复杂性,其对运营管理中的生产组织、物流供应链管理、人力资源管 理、交期管理、质量控制及成本管理等方面都提出了更高的要求。就目前而言, 制造业中主流的运营管理改善方法包括精益生产、世界级制造(WCM)、六西格 玛、全面质量管理(TQM)和物流供应链管理(SCM)等, 但这些方法的研究主 要集中于大批量生产或可以实现产品间快速切换的生产环境,所以目前尚没有一 套完整的改善方法可以用于大型设备制造企业之中,从而系统性的指导这类企业 进行持续改善。 本文通过对相关参考文献和作者所在企业的实际情况的综合分析,梳理总结 了大型设备制造企业运营管理的关键绩效指标(KPI)以及目前存在的主要问题。 在此基础上,结合 MBA 课堂上所学的知识以及企业的改善实践,为大型制造企业 运营管理的持续改善提出完整的思维模式和方法体系,从而为大型制造企业运营 管理水平的不断提升,进而促进管理创新提供参考。 关键词:大型设备制造企业; 运营管理; 关键绩效指标; 管理创新 ABSTRACT The large-scale equipment manufacturing is the key component of the Manufacturing industry and the vital force of sustaining the continuous development of the national economy, which mainly produces large-scale and professional equipments. The unit and small batch production are the mainstream operation mode in this industry because of the constraint of order quantity. With the increasing of competition of the large-scale equipment market and the increasing of impact from the national industry upgrading, the traditional operation management mode is not suitable to the survival and development of this industry any more due to its inherent drawbacks of high energy consumption, huge waste and low efficiency. In the meantime, the requirement for the operation management like production organization, supply chain management, human resource management, delivery management, quality control and cost management are getting higher and higher because of the complexity of large-scale and professional equipments. As far as the current situation, the mainstream operation management improvement methodologies that used in manufacturing industry mainly include Lean Manufacturing, World-Class Manufacturing, Six Sigma Management, Total Quality Management, Supply Chain Management and so on, but most of them only can be applied well under the circumstance of


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