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论文题目:大学生厌学现状分析及对策研究 专 业:思想政治教育 硕 士 生:焦 娜 (签名) 指导老师:刘德安 (签名) 摘 要 随着中国经济的迅速发展,人民生活水平稳步提高,人民群众对教育提出了更高的 要求。为了使教育更好地促进经济建设和社会发展,我国高等教育取得了突飞猛进的发 展。但随着高等教育的快速发展,随着大学生人数的增加,学而无以致用的矛盾突显, 大学生就业出现结构性困难,从而出现了大学生厌学问题,而且愈演愈烈。本人针对当 前这种现象,提出了大学生厌学现状分析及对策研究课题。 论文首先阐述了选题背景和选题意义,研究对象、技术路线和研究方法。其次通过 对大学生厌学现状原因进行分析,通过建立调查问卷,确立了四个主要原因,即个人原 因、家庭原因、学校原因、社会原因。在调查的基础上,利用系统分析理论,建立了三 级评价模型,并利用层次分析方法确立了权重影响因素值。最后根据厌学原因,从个人、 家庭、社会、学校四个角度出发,提出了应对大学生厌学问题的解决对策和具体方法措 施。 要解决大学生厌学这一问题,单靠教育部门的努力是不够的,需要大学生、学校、 家庭、社会各方协同一致、共同配合,综合治理,本论文研究期望能够从理论上与实践 上找到解决大学生厌学的途径,帮助大学生激发学习兴趣,促进大学生个体的健康和谐 发展,从而为高校教育提供一定的理论和方法支持,实现高等教育的健康可持续发展。 关 键 词:厌学;现状分析;评价模型;对策 研究类型:应用研究型 Subject :The Countermeasure Research and Analyzed about University Student Weary of Studying Specialty :Political and Ideological Education Name :Jiao Na (Signature) Instructor :Liu De an (Signature) ABSTRACT With the Chinese economic development and improvement of peoples life, the need for education has been increasing. So it was more rapid developed about the Higher Education of our country for the economic and society building. With the number of university students more increasing, it was not easy to obtain employment. So the problem of the weary of studying come into being, it was bring forward to solve this question in my Moctor Dissertation Research Paper. Firstly, It was expatiated about the background and significance of t his Paper and Research object、Research method、Technology route were discussed. Secondly, it was analyzed about the weary of studying about university students and was found four major reasons which about individual、family、university and society with the research questionnaire. So The Assessment Model was found with the system theory and analytic hierarchy process method was applied to evaluate. Finally, the resolve countermeasure was brought out in order to solve this question from four reasons. It could not be solved this question about weary of studying for the education department, it need all asp


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