
法律援助制度刍议 ——以辽宁省为例-法律(法学)专业论文.docx

法律援助制度刍议 ——以辽宁省为例-法律(法学)专业论文.docx

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法律援助制度刍议 ——以辽宁省为例-法律(法学)专业论文

法律援助制度刍议 ——以辽宁省为例 中文摘要 法律援助以国家履行义务为基本形态,以推广社会公益为总体取向,以实现个 体正义为具体目标,这项制度的确立与百姓生活息息相关,与社会的发展和国家的 繁荣息息相关,是现代社会生活中一项重要法律制度。 随着我国社会法治化程度的日益深化,该制度越来越多地受到关注,党和国家 也日趋重视法律援助制度的发展和实践。现今,我国各省地市制定法律援助制度相 关规定的主要依据有两项:第一,《法律援助条例》。该条例系国务院于 2003 年颁 布实施。第二, HYPERLINK /newlaw2002/slc/slc.asp?db=chlamp;gid=173494 《办理法律援助案件程序规定》。该规定系司法部于 2012 年颁布实 施的。最近几年,随着《刑事诉讼法》等上位法的修订,国家级的法律援助制度也 不断地修改完善,相应地,辽宁省的法律援助制度也亟需适时做出调整。 在实践中,辽宁省的法律援助工作通过将法律援助纳入到社会保障体系中,加 大宣传力度,扩大法律援助的民众知晓度等措施取得了一些成效。辽宁省紧跟国家 法律的变化,及时依法扩充了法律援助受援范围,并有针对性为贫弱等特殊群体提 供了积极的法律援助服务;与此同时,司法部门通过引入质量监控和评价机制,主 动提升法律援助的社会性、科学性和实效性。但是,通过近几年的实践,辽宁省的 法律援助工作在取得成绩的同时,也存在着亟待改进和完善的地方。未来,辽宁省 法律援助工作的重点有三:一是扩大案件援助范围;二是组建专职援助队伍;三是 增加援助资金渠道。 关键词:法律援助 贫弱群体 社会保障 权益 The Research of the Legal Aid System ——In Liaoning Province as An Example Abstract The Legal Aid System is the basic form for a country to perform legal aid as its obligation, promote the social public welfare as the overall orientation, and achieve individual justice as for a specific target. The Legal aid system is one of the important legal systems which is closely related to individuals’ daily life, the social development and the countrys prosperity . With the development of society under rule of law, Legal aid system attracted special attention and the Party and Government also emphasized on its healthy development and practice. At present, the drafting of Legal Aid System is based on the following two regulations: one is “The Legal Aid Ordinance” issued in 2003 promulgated by the State Council; the other is “The Program Rules for the Legal Aid Cases Handled by” issued by the justice department in 2012. In recent years, with the revision of “the Criminal Procedure Law” and other host laws, the national Legal Aid Systems already completed, accordingly, the Legal Aid System in Liaoning Province should be timely adjusted. In practice, the legal aid work in Liaoning Province has made a great achievement. It exemplified to recruit the legal aid work into the social security system, increase



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