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摘 要
法律史研究的根本任务在于对法律史作出一种新的解释,通过 这种解释以呈现出法律史对我们所具有的意义。法律文化作为文化 整体的组成部分,其所具有的解释张力可以为法律史解释提供一种 新的理论进路,从而深化我们对于法律史的意义世界的理解。法律 文化解释的基本立场有五:一是要求我们将法律看作人类自身的一 种生活经验,二是意味着对所有法律的一种同情理解,三是代表着 一种看待法律的合理的相对主义态度,四是象征着一种对待法律的 整体考察和开放的心态,五是蕴涵着一种对法律的意义追寻。基于 这样的基本立场,法律文化解释在综合运用各个学科领域的成果与 方法对法律史进行一种整体性的分析和研究的基础上,充分运用功 能分析、结构分析、冲突分析、符号分析、比较分析等具体方法, 从而使法律文化解释呈现出经验性、整体性和综合性等基本特性。 法律文化解释的缺陷在于法律文化往往强调文化类型的划分,力图 通过不同类型的比较以强调“差异最大化”或者寻求同一性,且更易 于带上研究者价值判断甚至事实描述上的前见。要克服这些缺陷, 关键在于如何确立“可比较性”的标准。法律文化解释有助于我们充 分认识中、西语境下的法律传统,从而为中国法律文化的融合以至 世界法律文化的发展作出一种创造性贡献。
关键词:法律文化 法律史解释 理论进路
The basic task of the study of legal history is to make a new interpretation for legal history through which we can see the meanings of legal history for us. Legal culture as a component part of cultural entirety can offer a new theoretical approach to the interpretation of legal history, thus deepening our comprehension about the meaningful world of legal history. The basic stands of legal culture consist in five aspects as follows: (1) it requires us to see the law as an experience of humankind life; (2) it means a contextual and sympathetical understanding for all of laws; (3) it represents a reasonable relativist attitude to seeing laws; (4) it stands for a mentality to investigating-wholly and opening-up; (5) it is in pursuit of the meanings of law. In view of these stands, legal cultural interpretation makes a whole study and analysis of law by way of applying the achievements and methods of various disciplines synthetically. On the basis of it, legal cultural interpretation use concrete methods such as functional analysis, structural analysis, conflicting analysis, symbolical analysis and comparative analysis to study legal history. The shortcomings of legal cultural interpretation is that legal culture emphasizes the divisions of cultural types, tries hard to stress the greatest differences or seek identity among all sorts of laws, and is easy to bear research worker’s pre-existed views on the judgment of
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