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本文为翻译报告,翻译原文为美国法律协会(ALI)组织编纂出版的《合同 法重述》(第二版)。法律重述是美国法学会为方便法官和法学研究工作者,将司 法方面浩繁的判例加以总结和整理,对尚有适用价值和效力的法律原则和法律规 范重新阐明,然后按法典形式分类编纂成册,使错综复杂的普通法简化和系统化。
《合同法重述》(第二版)正是其中之一。目前该书在国内没有完整的汉译本, 本项目的翻译将为美国法律研究提供极大的便捷。该汉译本包括对法律条文、美 国法律协会的评论以及完整例证的翻译。
报告结合翻译实践,着重对译者在《合同法重述》(第二版)第 15、16 章的 翻译过程采用的翻译策略和方法进行说明。在源语与译入语法律术语功能不能确 切对等时,可使用功能对等词、扩充词义和释义等方法翻译。处理法律英语的长 难句,则可用到顺译法、变序法和拆分法等方法。对原文不同的结构部分,在翻 译时应根据其语言特点,予以相应的翻译。最后,通过分析翻译实践中遇到的实 际问题,得出翻译经验和教训。
This is a translation report for The Restatement (Second) of Contract, which is compiled and published by the American Law Institute (ALI). On the purpose of easy operation for judges and lawyers, ALI collected and integrated case law and judge-made doctrines in common law with value and effect, to order them into code forms, so that the complicated common law is simplified and systematized. The Restatement (Second) of Contract is one of the code. At the present time, there is no integrated translation of this book. Translation of this book will give great convenience to the study of American law. This translation edition contains provisions, as well as the comments and illustrations made by the ALI.
This report focuses on the translation strategies and methods used on the basis of translation practice of The Restatement (Second) of Contract. When there is no perfect equivalent in target language for a source language term, functional equivalents, lexical expansion and paraphrase are solutions can be used. And when facing long sentences, methods of sequential, reversing and splitting are available. As to those parts with different features in source text, corresponding adjustment regarding specific features should be made in the process of translation. The last part of this report are experience and lessons learnt from this translation project.
Key words: legal term; long sentence; translation strategy
目 录
第一章 引言????????????????????????????1
第二章 美国法学会及《合同法重述》(第二版)简介????????????2 2.1 美国法学会简介???????????
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