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Samuel Johnson Background The Restoration Age(1660~1700) ,in which Milton,Bunyan and Dyden were the dominant (统治的,支配的influences; The Augustan Age (1700~1750)奥古斯都时期, in which Alexander Pope was the central poetic firgue,while Defoe笛福,Richardson,Fielding and Smollett were presiding over the sophistication of the novel; The Age of Johnson(1750~1798),which, while it was dominated控制,支配 and charaterized by the mind and personality of inimitable无法效仿的 Dr. Samuel Johnson whose sympathies were with the fading Augustan past ,saw the beginings of a new understanding and appreciation of the work of Shakespeare, the development,by Sterne and others,of the novel of sensibility情感,and the emergence of the Gothic哥特式 establised the intellectual and emotional foundations of the English Romanticisim. Achievement and reputation Johnson is well remembered for his aphorisms格言警句, which contributed to his becoming, after Shakespeare, the most frequently quoted 引证of English writers. Many of these are recorded in Boswells The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., including his famous assertion声明,主张: “Patriotism is the last refuge避难所 of a scoundrel流氓” and his admonition警告: “Clear your mind of cant伪善之言.” Others appear in his own writings, including: “Marriage has many pains, but celibacy has no pleasures.” He possessed the gift of contracting “the great rules of life into short sentences.” Johnsons criticism is, perhaps, the most significant part of his writings. His assessment of Drydens critical works holds good for his own: “the criticism of Dryden is the criticism of a poet; not a dull collection of theorems定理, nor a rude detection of faults, which perhaps the censorer审查人员 was not able to have committed; but a gay and vigorous dissertation论文,学术演讲, where delight is mingled with instruction, and where the author proves his right of judgment by his power of performance.” Although some have spoken of Johnson as a “literary dictator独裁者,命令者,” he rejected the role for himself and in general spoke aga


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