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ABSTRACT The NO.92 ore-body of DaChang Iie in the undcr-part of the No.91orebody ,and tbcy are jointed clo钝忡, the NO.92 ore-body is 也 c main part in TongKeng Mine 8ecausc the direct roof ofthe No.92 0汀e-body ís thc backfilling of the No.91。因心。dy which is 仙LC cementing materials or non-cementing m副 erials,副】d there are no-filled mined-areas in 30m叩 acc. So there 缸e large-scale Iùdden troubl销。n theωP of 出S No ,92 slowly inclincd largc and thick ore-body,then we muS1 find a new mining technology which 缸ms al the corn口 ex mining condition of the NO.92 ore-bodyτN比 cutting nature of the No.92 ore-body is very poor,50 choos?ng the ratiooa! driUi吨 and blasting p配=,舱内 and enhancing the overal1 technological economic b相efits 缸c also the 山gent problems wτùting 10 bc so!ved in the e只:ploitation of the NO.92 0日-e-body. 1he NO.92 orc-body,thio lodes 祖 d the exploitation process of the No.910reOOdy influence each other,the geo-press田e phenomena a唱:gravates 。)viously in case of the mined-areas increε出 constant1y,and the geo-pressure problem will be more and mOre serious when the NO.92 ore-body be ex酬。阳d 00 a large scale in the next st叩 Ore-body mining technology,ore-body drilling and blasting p缸缸neters and geo-pressure problem of the NO.92 ore-body have been researched in this pap毗 d obtain the foUowiog conclusions and 缸hievements. The abductin唱叽ng mcthod inωntinues mining is a new minin也 technology and it has many merits such as thc low 10sB and dil曲。n of ore. tJ四川gh mcchani皿 on degrec,the higb stoping strength, the high worker laOOur productivity and high safety,and it providcs a new approach for the mining in the No.92ω-e-body. (2)The numerical 町mulation on 由e abducting caving me血 od in continu岱 mmmg 轨Ihen we use RFPA 20 software indicate tMt 由η泪,陆 has 30me sustainable ca明city as tbe roof terrane has been destroy时, and it can keep the ∞ntinue范 ffi1OIOg system under 3恤 ility for a period ,the distance ben..臼TI the ffillSS f


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