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I I 苏州科技学院硕士学位论文 摘要 摘 要 大学生是当代中国青年的重要组成部分,大学阶段也是年轻人世界观、价值观形 成的重要时期。近年来,大学生以其敏锐的觉察力,更直接、具体、细致地感受着社 会变化带来的冲击。社会的急速剧变、日趋自主的个性发展,纵横交错的利益关系和 人际关系中,怎样对待自己的恋爱、婚姻、家庭,怎样确立自己为人处世的准则,怎 样看待自己的恋人、家庭及周围人的关系等等。面临这些问题将如何抉择和取舍,这 些疑问或大或小地困扰了当前“90 后”大学生。 本文对苏州市部分高校在校生进行了一次婚恋价值观的问卷调查,调查研究发 现,目前大学生婚姻价值观的主流是好的,但仍然也存在着物质主义、个人主义、享 乐主义、实用主义等负面价值观。本文从社会氛围、家庭学校教育、自身因素等方面 对这些问题进行了查找。针对大学生负面的婚恋价值观,论文对自身和外部环境提出 调适和对治的意见。 本项调研以价值观的理论与实践为指导,密切结合我国社会特点及大学生特点, 吸取国内在校大学生婚恋价值观研究方面的成果,尽可能概括当代大学生婚恋价值观 及相关问题,以期在理论性、现实性和实践性方面达到一定的水平。 关键词:大学生;婚恋价值观 II II Master Dissertation of Suzhou University of Science and Technology Abstract Abstract College students are an important part of the contemporary Chinese youth, and the university days is a significant period of the youth’s cultivation of world outlook and values. For the past few years, taking advantages of their acute perception, the contemporary college students feel the shock which the social changes have brought in a more direct, specific and meticulous way. The quick changes of the society, the independent development of personality and the complex interest and interpersonal relationships have lead to the changes of the concept of values towards right or wrong, advantageous or disadvantageous, gained or lost, good or evil and so on. They always need to consider about and decide on “how”: How to find one’s position in life? How to plan one’s future? How to make choice for the rest of one’s life? How to treat one’s love affair, marriage and family? How to set up one’s social criteria? How to treat one’s lover, family members and people around? And so on. These questions raise waves in their minds. This text shows us the survey conducted among college students in Suzhou on the topic of values towards love and marriage and gives us the solution to the negative values. This research is under the instruction of theory and practice of values. It combines the college students’ characteristics with social features of our country and assimilates the achievements


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