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大学生学习策略调查问卷的编制 摘 要 学习策略是学习心理学研究的重要课题之一。在分析总结现有 的学习策略涵义和结构研究的基础上,从实践运用的角度,结合理 论的探讨,尝试建构了大学生学习策略的结构模型。本研究经过了 三个阶段 :首先是 52 人的访谈调查和 126 人的开放式问卷调查, 形成预测问卷,然后选取 770 人进行问卷的探索性因素分析,最后, 采用分层随机取样的方法选取 1495 人为被试进行正式问卷的验证 性因素分析,最终得出了比较合理和适宜的大学生学习策略结构模 型,并且对自编的《大学生学习策略调查问卷》进行了多角度、多 维度、信效度检测。有关研究结果如下: (1)大学生学习策略是一个多维度的心理结构:由资源管理策 略、认知策略、动机信念策略、元认知策略和创新策略组成。 (2)根据大学生学习策略结构的理论构想编制的《大学生学习策 略调查问卷》,重测信度、折半信度、内部一致性信度、内容效度、 构想效度、效标效度等信效度指标均较好,该问卷可以作为测评大 学生学习策略的适宜工具。 关键词:学习策略 调查问卷 信度 效度 A Design of Learning Strategy Questionnaire of Undergraduates Abstract Learning strategy is an important subject of learning psychology. It is valuable in theory and practice to study it .The model of learning strategy of university students which was constructed by theory study and been validated, and modified three times by interviews study (52 undergraduates) and open-ended questionnaire (126 undergraduates), the exploring factor analysis of the preliminary questionnaire (770 undergraduates) and the confirmatory factor analysis of the formal questionnaire (1495 undergraduates). At last the model was legitimate and fitting. The learning strategy questionnaire of university students was examined by many indexes. The results of this study follow as: Learning strategy of university students was a multi-level and multi-dimensional model. It included five factors: resource management strategy; cognitive strategy; motive and belief strategy; meta-cognitive strategy and creative strategy. Test-retest reliability, split-half reliability, internal concordance coefficient (Cronbach a coefficient), content validity, construct validity and index validity of the learning strategy questionnaire of university students were good. This questionnaire could be used to test the learning strategy of university students. Key words: learning strategy; reliability; questionnaire; validity 目 录 1. 前言 1 1.1 学习策略的界定 2 1.2 国内外有关学习策略测量研究概况及启示 8 1.3 本研究的意义与设想 11 2. 研究一:访谈调查研究 13 2.1 目的 13 2.2 方法 14 2.3 结果与分析 15 3. 研究二:开放式问卷调查研究



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