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~ 403616 东北农业大学硕士论文 武小霞 摘要 对 40 份大豆灰斑病种质资源进行了 10 个生理小种的抗感鉴定,萨 8 个生理 小种以上的品种或品系共有 16 份,其中 1572、1574、9674 、91-135 、巳24 、农大 .,. - 13699、85-593 抗所有 10 个小种:感 8 个生理小种以上的品种或品系共有 11 份,其 中合丰 31 、合丰35、1330、96-31215 、北89-1、95-165 感所有 10 个小种 3 利用高抗品系东农 40566 与高感品系东农 410 配制杂交组合,对杂交后代进 行灰斑病 7 号生理小种的抗性鉴定。结果为: FJ 代全部表现抗病,几代群体分离 比例为抗 3: 感 1 0 表明灰斑病 7 号生理小种的抗性基因受 一对显性基因控制。 w 一 利用 BSA 法和 F2 代群体对灰斑病 7 号生理小种的抗性基因进行了分子标记。 筛选出与抗病基因连锁的显性 RAPD 标记 OPC08u,o RAPD 引物 OPC08 在抗亲 与抗池 DNA 中均扩出了 OPC08t)1 条带,而在感亲与感池 DNA 中均未扩出了 OPC08.Jt 条带。利用计算机得到显性 RAPD 标记 OPC08sJ,与抗病基因的连锁距 离为 25.59cMo v 夫.词,大豆灰斑病,7号生理小种, 抗病基因气 RAPDV J 分子标记 飞 ,显性 . . , 大豆种质资源鉴震及抗病基囚的 RAPD 标记 Abstract 20ω 年 12 月 ? 明. Forty cultivars or lines were identified with ten races of Cercospora sojina. Sixteen cultivars or lines were resistant to over 8 races,and eight were susceptible to over 8 races. 1572、1574、9674、91.135 、Ba24 、Nongda 13699、85.593 were resistant to all 10 races; Hefeng31、Hefeng35、1330、96-31215、Bei89-1 、95-165 were susceptible to a1l ]0 races. One highly resistant soybean line (NEAU40566) was crossed with one susceptíble soybean line (NEA U41 0). Their F I and F2 individuals were identified for race 7 of Cercospora sojina in soybeans. The results showed that in the cross NEAU410 x NEAU40566 ,F[ were alJ resistant ,and population segragated in a 3 resistant : 1 susceptible ratio. indicating that NEAU40566 carried one dominant gene that confer res?stant to race 7 of Cercospora sojina in soybeans. By Bulked Segregant Analysis (BSA) in F2 progenjes of NEA U4] 0 x NEAU40566 ,we have identified a dominant RAPD marker OPC0811J ,Iinked to the race 7 of Cercospora sojina resistant gene. DNA 企agment OPC08uJ was ampJified in NEAU40566 and resistant pool ,oot in the NEAU410 and susceptible pooI. Identifjcation of the marker in F:z plants showed that the dominant marker was 1inked to the resistant geoe with genetic distance of 25.59cM. _,.而  Postgraduate; Wu Xiao Xfa Major:Phytopa thology Tutor:Wen Jing


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