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摘 摘 要 I万方数据 I 万方数据 摘 要 在代数曲面上构造的样条曲线具有可预见性和局部修改性等良好的性质,算法的 生成也更加便利。等距曲线又叫平行曲线,它是基曲线沿法向移动距离为 d 的点的轨 迹。在工程工业中应用广泛,近二十年已经被 CAGD 作为一个有重要研究价值的课 题。 本文第一章首先对 CAGD 的发展和背景做了介绍,然后对曲线的参数代数表示 优缺点进行了叙述,最后对等距曲线做了一个综述,详细介绍了几种逼近算法。 第二章为了以后研究的方便,对一些基本的定义,性质,知识做了简单的介绍。 第三章提出了一类带控制因子的双参数基函数,并定义参数之间的关系,在重心 坐标系下,利用这组基函数能够生成一个没有附加条件的多自由度控制的 G2-连续曲 线或曲面样条曲线,此外详细讨论了样条曲线端点的性质以及平行四边形的保形性。 最后用基函数构造了样条曲面。样条曲线的基函数可以是有理形式,构造方法始于代 数形式,应用的是它的参数形式。样条曲线具有一个可变的形状控制因子,可以对曲 线进行调整,能以任意精度逼近这个控制四边形或网格,可以通过重心坐标变换适应 为任意四边形。 第四章提出了一种双曲抛物面上样条曲线的算法,是本文的一个重点。根据双曲 抛物样条曲面和样条曲线的端点的性质,利用仿射变换和叉积运算得到样条曲线的法 向量得到等距曲线,并且在给定节点列的情况下可对样条曲线的等距曲线进行拼接, 且拼接是 G1-连续的。最后给出了构造双曲抛物面上样条曲线的等距线的算法和一些 图例。该算法可以有效地利用 Matlab,CAD 等软件对其绘制及拼接。 关键字:基函数;有理样条函数;双曲抛物样条;等距线 Abstract Abstract II万方数据 II 万方数据 Abstract A kind of spline curves over a algebra surface have good natures. With the better predictability and local modifi ability, the algorithms of spline also become more conveniently and feasibly. Offset curves also called paralled curves, as locus of points which are at constant d along the normal from the generator curves. Offset curves are widely used in various engineering applications, which is one of the most important geometric operations in CAGD. In chapter one, the development and background of CAGD are introduced. Discussing parameter and algebraic of curve, an overview of offset curve is presented, and several algorithms are introduced in detail. Convenient for the following research, some definition、nature、knowledge is made a simple introduction. In chapter two, a set of bi-parameters basis function with an approaching factor is presented, and define the relationship of these. In affine coordinate system, this basis function can generate a G2-continuous spline curve or surface with no additional conditions and more freedom control. The nature of shape preserving and endpoints are considered in detail. Finally spline surface is constructed with the basis function. The corresponding basis function can be rational form.


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