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优秀毕业论文 精品参考文献资料 论文的实践研究部分则着手对开展参与性教学设计的方法进行了探索。 由于目前国内对参与性教学设计的研究主要还处于理论探索阶段,在实践操 作上尚缺乏可供借鉴的经验,因此论文立足于行动研究取向,参考 K.D.Koings 和 van Merrienboer 等人的研究设计了行动方案。论文首先设计了师生讨论会 的操作程序,然后选取四门不同性质的大学课程开展师生讨论会的行动研究, 依据调查问卷所收集的任课教师、参与讨论会学生代表、非学生代表三类群 体对讨论会的体验和评价,分析师生讨论会作为参与性教学设计方法在大学 课堂教学中的适用性。进一步对四门课程学生代表和非学生代表的数据进行 卡方检验,考察四门课程中两类群体的体验和评价是否有统计学上的差异, 由此分析师生讨论会作为参与性设计方法在不同性质课程中的通用性。由于 每门课的任课教师只有一人,故而对教师不做卡方检验。结合问卷结果我们 得出的结论是:师生讨论会作为大学课堂教学的参与性教学设计方法是适用 的,这种适用性不随课程性质的改变而改变,亦即师生讨论会在不同的课程 中具有通用性。 关键词:教学设计 参与性设计 师生讨论会 行动研究 III III THEORETICAL AND EMPIRICAL RESEARCH ON PARTICIPATORY INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN ABSTRACT The application of the traditional instructional system design in the basic education field is not satisfactory, and it is an indisputable fact that there is a gap between theory and practice. To this phenomenon, the professionals in this field begin to rethink and criticize and their criticism directly pointed to the traditional instructional system design whose pursuit is oriented to the science and technology rational value. In the late of the 20th century, participatory design concept came into being along with the soft system thinking and the soft system method is put forward. Participatory design emphasizes positive participation in the system or in the process of product design is to make the system or product meet the uses’ needs better. Because of this, participatory design has more practical purports than traditional instructional system design. And this practice transition will help to break through the difficult situation of the separation between the instructional system design theory and the instructional practice. This paper takes the instructional design in classes as a research object, discussing the necessity and inevitability of students’ participation and teachers’ class instructional design, and exploring the methods of participatory instructional design. According to the research methodology of ―concept discussion—— the realization of the practical le


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