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姓名:寇昌宁 导师姓名:张再林 古代文学专业 唐宋方向 2012 级
严维作为大历诗坛上江南地区一位重要的地方官诗人,其声名在当时并不逊 于如今倍受瞩目的刘长卿等人,然而与刘长卿等人相比较关于严维的研究如今依 旧是不够系统完整。严维留名于当时却未能留名于后世,根究其缘由大抵是因为 关于严维的史载资料存世不多,加上诗歌存世较同时代的刘长卿等高产诗人而言 较少,故对其的研究稍显单薄。但对严维的研究仍是必要的,他虽不高产但却是 大历江南诗坛上的活跃分子,借助对其的研究能够帮助我们了解大历时期地方官 诗人的心态与创作的变化,对于完善我们对大历诗坛的认识有重要的作用,同时 亦不至于让这位大历时期颇有声名的诗人被历史所埋没。
严维是“大历浙东唱和”这一联唱活动的主持人之一,交游很广,从位列 “大历十才子”的皇甫冉、李端、耿湋等人,再到灵一、灵澈等江南地区的名诗 僧皆与其有过交游。严维一生挣扎于入仕与出世的“仕隐”矛盾之中,混沌之中 的严维向佛禅寻求精神安慰,这也是大历诗人中的一个通病,也是时代的一个烙 印。思想的变化也牵动着严维诗歌内容的改变,他的诗歌题材多为酬唱送别、流 连山水、惜时感怀与礼佛学禅之作。严维的诗歌追求宁静淡然的诗境,且善用巧 字描绘景物,虽然总体成就不是很高,却有着自己的特色。
Yan Li poetic dimension as large southern region of an important local official poet whose reputation was not inferior to the now high-profile Liu Changqing, who, however, compared with Liu Changqing, who is now on strict dimensional research system is still not enough complete. Strict dimensional unnamed at the time failed to go down to future generations, the reason is probably because the final analysis on the information contained serious dimension of history survive in the world is not much, plus poetry survive in the world less than the contemporary poet Liu Changqing and other high-yield terms, so the Its research is thin. But strict dimensional research is still necessary, although he is not yielding activists but it is big calendar on the southern poetry, by means of its research can help us understand the changes in the period of Dali magistrate poet and creative mind, for improve our understanding of the big calendar poetry has an important role, but nor have to let the big calendar quite a reputation during the poet was buried by history.
Strict dimensional big calendar eastern Zhejiang sing one of the hosts of the medley events, a wide circle of friends, from among the Frontier Fortress Huangfu Ran, Li Duan, Geng Wei and others, to Ling Yi, Ling Che name of all its other southern regions have had intercourse. Going to a lifetime struggle with strict dime
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