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I I 摘 要 牛物数学足数学的一个分支 足数学用论的重要应用 其+.要足研究牛态系统巾 牛物种群在一过坏填或剌激卡的牛长划律和此种群数量的变化。我们都知道当牛物 受到某种剌激6会做出反应 要么趋向剌激源 要么远离剌激源 在牛物数学巾我们 把这种反应叫做趋向性。己被人们所知的趋向性包括趋化性 趋氧性 趋l型等 这 止在牛活和牛产上都有重要的应用 比如:利用鱼类对音乐的敏感反应来捕获鱼类 利用飞峨对l的趋向性来捕杀飞峨。其巾趋化性足指牛物对化学剌激做出反应 其 系统的复杂性及其在描述物种数量的变化的重要性迫使人们对其进行由浅入深的研 究。 对于趋化性现象 Keller-Segel于1970年建立了经典模型 这种模型建立的背景足 在于对一种叫做1性霉的的变形虫的研究 这种牛物趋向于自身分泌的被叫做CMAP 的物质 并且假设在趋向的过科巾自身没有分裂和到气。这种模型引起很多专家学者 的兴趣。此类方科同于非线性 强棋合偏微分方科组。通过对此类方科组解的性质的 研究表明 此类系统刻画了丰富的牛物现象:牛物的长期存在性 牛物的灭绝 牛物 的突变。对此类问题的研究不仅可以探讨相应的牛态系统的发展 变化 足可以对非 线性 非局部偏微分方科的用论和方法的研究提供素材。 本文+.要研究借反应顶的抛物-抛物型趋化模型 研究解的局部和伞局存在性 并对解的止则性进行讨论。 关键司:局部解 伞局解 扇形算子 止则性 Nirenberg-Gagliard不等式 II II Abstract Bio-mathematics is a branch of mathematics which is an important application of math- ematic theory. The main purpose is to study the growth pattern, and the change of population of the biological species in ecosystems in a certain environment or stimulation. We all know the biological can respond to certain stimulus source, towards stimuli or away from the stim- ulus . In biological mathematics,this response is called tendency.Tendency of oxygen, type phototaxis,chemotaxis have been known to us. In our life and production, they are applied importantly. For example, people catch fish with the sensitivity of fish to music, using the moth’s tendency to light to kill moths. Chemotaxis is that the biological response to chemo- taxis stimulus. The complexity of the system and the importance in describing the changes of species number prompt people to research it step by step. For the phenomenon of chemotaxis ,Keller-Segel established the classical model in 1970. The background of this model is that a kind of visous called viscosity tend to a sub- stances CMAP, which is secreted by themselves and assuming there is no division and death in the process of their trendency . This model is studied in many papers.This kinds of equa- tion belong to nonlinear,strong coupling equations.The research of the solution’s prop


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